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Searching for Weldon Smith (designerID:4769) found 3 plans:

Hustler XD-7 Delta (oz2873) by Bob Baldwin, Weldon Smith from Model Airplane News 1962 grey_line

Hustler XD-7 Delta (oz2873)

by Bob Baldwin, Weldon Smith
from Model Airplane News
March 1962 
44in span

Plan Details
Prairie Duster (oz8336) by Mark Smith, Weldon Smith from American Aircraft Modeler 1973 grey_line

Prairie Duster (oz8336)

by Mark Smith, Weldon Smith
from American Aircraft Modeler
June 1973 
54in span

Plan Details
Talon Zephyr (oz10579) by Weldon Smith, Bob Baldwin from American Modeler Annual 1963 grey_line

Talon Zephyr (oz10579)

by Weldon Smith, Bob Baldwin
from American Modeler Annual
December 1963 
40in span

Plan Details


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