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Searching for Larry Conover (designerID:336) found 14 plans:

Aerobipe (oz4092) by Larry Conover, Clark Ross from Sig 1970 grey_line

Aerobipe (oz4092)

by Larry Conover, Clark Ross
from Sig (ref:RC-25)
34in span
IC R/C Kit

Plan Details
Barons Buggy (oz10720) by Larry Conover, Clark Ross from SIG 1968 grey_line

Barons Buggy (oz10720)

by Larry Conover, Clark Ross
from SIG (ref:RC-15)
34in span
IC R/C Kit

Plan Details
Bell VTOL (oz13608) by Larry Conover from Model Aircraft 1959 grey_line

Bell VTOL (oz13608)

by Larry Conover
from Model Aircraft
January 1959 
18in span
Scale Jetex F/F

Plan Details
Clipper (oz11540) by Larry Conover from American Modeler 1960 grey_line

Clipper (oz11540)

by Larry Conover
from American Modeler
September 1960 
35in span

Plan Details
Convair XFY Pogo (oz14660) by Larry Conover from Young Men 1955 grey_line

Convair XFY Pogo (oz14660)

by Larry Conover
from Young Men
April 1955 
13in span
Scale IC C/L

Plan Details
Flanger Mk III (oz6165) by Larry Conover from Model Airplane News 1963 grey_line

Flanger Mk III (oz6165)

by Larry Conover
from Model Airplane News
December 1963 
19in span
Glider F/F

Plan Details
Gondola (oz3345) by Larry Conover from Flying Models 1958 grey_line

Gondola (oz3345)

by Larry Conover
from Flying Models
March 1958 
76in span
Glider F/F

Plan Details
Jupiter PAA (oz12229) by Larry Conover from American Telasco 1957 grey_line

Jupiter PAA (oz12229)

by Larry Conover
from American Telasco
34in span
Jetex F/F Kit

Plan Details
Little Lindy (oz10186) by Larry Conover from American Aircraft Modeler 1966 grey_line

Little Lindy (oz10186)

by Larry Conover
from American Aircraft Modeler
March 1966 
52in span

Plan Details
Lucky Lindy (oz10910) by Larry Conover from American Modeler 1957 grey_line

Lucky Lindy (oz10910)

by Larry Conover
from American Modeler
November 1957 
67in span

Plan Details
Lucky Lindy III (oz8854) by Larry Conover from Air Trails 1961 grey_line

Lucky Lindy III (oz8854)

by Larry Conover
from Air Trails
September 1961 
64in span

Plan Details
Rocket Delta (oz7146) by Larry Conover from Model Airplane News 1963 grey_line

Rocket Delta (oz7146)

by Larry Conover
from Model Airplane News
March 1963 
24in span
Jetex F/F

Plan Details
Ski Dart (oz5064) by Larry Conover from American Modeler 1957 grey_line

Ski Dart (oz5064)

by Larry Conover
from American Modeler
November 1957 
16in span
Scale Jetex F/F

Plan Details
Vind Stormer (oz3344) by Larry Conover from Flying Models 1959 grey_line

Vind Stormer (oz3344)

by Larry Conover
from Flying Models
May 1959 
36in span
Glider F/F

Plan Details


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