Clancy II (oz9340)


Clancy II (oz9340) by M Ballentyne 1957 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Clancy II. Free flight all-sheet biplane model for 0.5cc engines.

Quote: "This model is quick to build and with a hot 0.5cc VTOs and tight spiral climbs are easily achieved, although the glide is rather steep owing to the high wing loading. Clancy is almost indestructible if the correct grade wood is chosen and if all joints are pre-cemented.

Wings: A complete sheet of 3/16 x 3 x 36 in is carved and sanded to the indicated section and then cut into four 9in lengths. The two pairs of wings are bevelled at the centre for the dihedral and cemented together, with a cement skin over the joint after it has dried. The tips are rounded and the keying strips cemented in place on the top of the lower wings and on the bottom of the upper wings, to correspond with the edges of the wing seatings. These keying strips are most important and should not be omitted as they ensure the correct alignment of the wings and thus a consistent fight pattern. Finally, the wings are covered with lightweight Modelspan doped on.

Next step is to carve and sand the tailplane and fin, and add keying strips as on wings.

Fuselage: Cut the fuselage profile from hard 1/4 in sheet and let in the engine bearers, cementing well. Next add the vertical 3/32 in sheet to the side of the fuselage. When this is dry, drill the holes in the bearers for the engine and undercarriage, and 'wangle' the undercarriage through the upper hole. Bind it on with strong thread, cover with linen tape, and give the whole a coating of cement.

The wing mountings are best made on the centre section of the wings themselves and thus the correct angle and camber may easily be obtained. First, smear the centre section of the wing with soap to prevent the mounts sticking to the wing. The upper mount is cut in half, and the two pieces are bevelled and stuck together on the underside of the wing and pinned there until dry. The lower mount is made in a similar manner on top of the lower wing, but has to be curved over the wing as well as dihedralled.

When these mounts are dry, remove from the wings and cement securely to the fuselage, and add the tailplane mounting. Dope on light-weight Modelspan over the entire fuselage. Add dowels and colour dope if desired.

It is well worth while giving the whole model a liberal coat of fuel proofer as the weight of this proofer will be less than the weight of fuel absorbed after a few hours' flying. Add the wheels, retaining them by washers soldered on, and bolt in the engine and tank with 8 BA bolts with lock nuts. Cut the trim tab, and hinge with Sellotape.

Flying: It is not necessary to carry out many test glides. Make sure that the rigging angles are correct and that the CG is in the right position and try a flight on low power using a 6 x 4 Frog nylon prop aid slight left thrust. Trim for left tum on power, but on no account use right turn for power; this proved fatal on the original Do not be afraid of a tight turn to the left as the model shows no tendency to sefik unless the turn is excessive. The nose can be kept up with a little right rudder.

Lastly, a word of warning. Do not forget a name and address label, the first Clancy was lost on its third flight."

Update 21/11/2017: Replaced this plan with a clearer copy (patterned background removed) thanks to DBHL, theshadow.

Scan from DBHL, cleanup by theshadow.

ref DBHL-6490.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Supplementary file notes

Previous scan version.


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Clancy II (oz9340) by M Ballentyne 1957 - model pic

  • (oz9340)
    Clancy II
    by M Ballentyne
    from Model Aircraft
    March 1957 
    18in span
    IC F/F Biplane
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 16/10/2017
    Filesize: 115KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: MikeJones, DBHL, theshadow
    Downloads: 621

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  • Clancy II (oz9340)
  • Plan File Filesize: 115KB Filename: Clancy_II_FF_oz9340.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 519KB Filename: Clancy_II_FF_oz9340_article.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 1477KB Filename: Clancy_II_FF_oz9340_previous.pdf
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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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