Fokker D VII (oz8849)
About this Plan
Fokker D7. Control line scale stunt model. Frog 500 shown. German WWI biplane fighter. Scale is 1/12.
Quote: "COLOURFUL scale biplanes have appeal, especially when free of drag provoking brace wires like the Fokker D.VII which ranks highest in popularity among the 1914-18 warplanes.
This version was first built early this year by H Ward of Weston Controliners, and established itself as a contest stunter when demonstrated at the South Western Area and Bath Rallies. It deviates from scale only in tail areas and wing section; but we know for certain that its profile is quite accurate.
Competitive control-liners will find this design an answer to their quest for the ideal scale stunter. Scale contests have been won either on fly-ability or on scale points: but rarely on a good proportion of the two. This job, with any powerful motor between 3.5 cc and 5 cc will do anything in the book except square maneouvres, and get maximum marks every time for its accuracy to scale.
CONSTRUCTION: Fuselage. Cement bulkheads to crutch members inserting fuel tank between bulkheads 2 and 3. Glue in engine bearers. Mount engine, connect fuel tank and glue on nose block and radiator. Mount control plate. Cement in dummy engine. Fix hardwood sternpost and tailskid. Do not sheet fuselage at this stage.
Wings. Make plywood or metal templates of tip and root ribs. Sandwich sufficient rib blanks between templates. Trim and sandpaper to shape. Mount ribs on mainspars which have already been tapered towards the tips, and insert ply stiffeners. Add tapered leading edge and trailing edge. Add wing tips. Scallop trailing edge between ribs by means of sandpaper wrapped around chisel or screwdriver handle. Finish wing with fine sandpaper.
Tailplane and Elevators. Cut from .3/16 inch medium sheet. Sandpaper smooth, streamline leading edge and trailing edge of elevators. Groove leading edge of elevators to take elevator connecting rod. Assemble elevator connecting rod and elevator horn, Push sharpened ends into elevators and fix by means of tape or cloth hinges. Ensure easy movement.
Assembly. Cement lower wing to unsheeted fuselage. Assemble undercarriage and fix to bulkheads 2 and 3. Cement tailplane on. Connect up control plate and elevators by means of control rod, cement main centre section struts firmly to faces of bulkheads. Sheet fuselage and undercarriage fairings. Fix in remainder of centre section struts. Mount guns, etc. Cement interplane struts into lower wing. Mount upper wing in place. Block extremities of struts firmly into place using plenty of cement. Cement on tailplane struts.
Covering and Finishing. Give fuselage two coats of clear dope, sanding after each coat. Cover with Modelspan, sanding again with very fine sandpaper. Cover flying surfaces with one thickness of Modeispan eliminating all wrinkles. Give wings two coats of clear dope. Colour dope to suit individual fancy using masking tape wherever possible. It is worthwhile to do some research and ascertain actual colour schemes used, All black crosses to have white outline or background. Struts, radiator and undercarriage legs black. Guns and engine silver and black. Carve pilot from soft block, paint appropriately and cement in place. If using glowplug motor give coat of fuel proofer, although for scale effect model should not have glossy finish.
Flying. Ensure model weighs no more than 24 oz and balances of centre of gravity as shown. Fly on 60 ft steel lines. Model will take itself off with very slight 'up' movement. It flies fast at about 66 mph, but handles easily and well. All manoeuvres can be carried out with normal control handle movement. Do not over control. When motor cuts, put nose down and level off at about 3 ft off ground. Model will laud itself with neutral elevator control. For stunting, ensure fuel feed is on level with needle valve and that controls are free and easy. Do not be afraid to stunt to the limit. Providing the power is there, the model will do all it is asked."
Fokker D VII - a 29in span control line scale stunter by R. A. Ward. From 'Aeromodeller' December 1950.
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Update 19/06/2017: Added article, thanks to RFJ.
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Fokker D VII
by Ron Ward
from Aeromodeller (ref:CL-103)
December 1950
29in span
Scale IC C/L Biplane Military Fighter
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 12/06/2017
Filesize: 433KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: stormin
Downloads: 1796
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