Baby Mosquito (oz8743)
About this Plan
Baby Mosquito. Simple rubber sport model.
Quote: "The Baby Mosquito Flyer, by Bruce Lester & Roy Thomason.
This model is first of a series designed to acquaint the novice model builder with the intricacies of model airplane construction and so we present the Baby Mosquito Flyer. This elementary type model is still popular after many years of successful flying. Many National model airplane champions have begun their model building careers with a model of this design. And fellas, you can fly this little job within the confines of your own home, your living room or basement.
It is suggested that you either clip out the bill of materials listed at the end of this article, or better still take this issue of the Canadian Hobby-Craft Magazine down to your lo-al hobby store, and get the necessary parts. When you have done this, then hunt up a nice flat board, a scrap of wax paper, a few pins and a razor blade, and we are off to a flying start. You might tape the one edge of the razor blade with some adhesive tape before we start, so that you do not cut your fingers.
Before starting any actual assembly you might remove the pages with the plan on from the magazine pin it down to your board with the scrap of wax paper on top, so that any parts being glued will not stick to the plan. Now take all your balsa wood and sand off any fuzz or saw marks, and you are about ready to build your first model airplane.
Motor Stick: Select a firm piece of 1/8 x 1/4 balsa from your stock, and cut it to the length illustrated on the plan. If the wood seems a, little weak, you might brush on 2 coats of dope, let dry, and repeat process again. Now satisfied that it is strong and sound, your next operation is to attach the thrust bearing. If you were fortunate enough to get one ready made all you need to do is to glue it on to the end of the motor stick and lash it firmly as well by winding thread over it, applying glue every few turns..."
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Baby Mosquito
by Bruce Lester, Roy Thomason
from Canadian Hobbycraft
January 1947
13in span
Rubber F/F
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Found online 16/05/2017 at:
Filesize: 716KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: JeffMac, rchopper56
Downloads: 2101
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- Baby Mosquito (oz8743)
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* Credit field
The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.
This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.
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