Mosquito (oz8460)
About this Plan
Graupner Mosquito. Electric glider model. Wingspan 250cm.
Quote: "Hi Mary and Steve, today pdf of the Mosquito, one of the first electric gliders. A very good model manufactured by Graupner. I have three, no 14 built in 1975, covered with oracover. No 15 built in 2010 covered with white oracover. The red built in 2015 covered with oracover light [more pics 003-005]. I hope that many people use the pdf. Kind regards, Julien"
Direct submission to Outerzone.
Update 03/05/2018: Added kit review from Radio Modeller, April 1976, thanks to RFJ.
Update 20/02/2020: Added decals zipfile, thanks to Patrick Urbain. These are in CDR format (Corel Draw).
Update 02/06/2020: Added kit instructions (in English), thanks to Reinhard Lehmann.
Quote: "The lightweight R/C thermal soarer MOSQUITO has been expressly designed for minimun airframe weight in order to ensure low wing loading and to achieve the ultimate in performance. Thanks to clever design, low weight has been achieved without any sacrifice oin airframe strength. MOSQUITO Is a versatile multi-purpose model.
Tow launch: perfect towing charecteristics. Thanks to its excellent glide performance the model responds readily to even the weakest of thermals.
Slope soaring; soars well in even the lightest of winds. By slightly moving the center of gravity forward and by adding a suitable amount of ballast (up to 400 g = 14 oz) stored in the battery compartment for Improved penetration, the model can be adapted to breezing up winds by making it fly faster.
R/C powered sailplane: Equipped with either engine mount No.164 or engine gondola, order No.62, the model climbs to a great height for the ensuing gilding or soaring filght. The conversion can be performed quickly and easily.
Single motor electrc flight: Another big stride fo rward has been achieved in the field of electric-powered flight. As is well known by now electric aysterns are completely free of environmental problems, they ere economic, permit remotely controlled switching off and on respectively, of the powerplant, are extremely reliable, easy to operate and maintain, and to top all that off; there are no flying field problems either, no trouble wl th neighbours and cone mun ities.
Another interesting aspect of MOSQUITO is its instant convertability from electric powered model to a salilplane proper and vice versa. All one has to do is remove the prop and to re-attach the spinner. The battery compartment is left empty end may be closed by a cower. Electric motor and extension shaft are left in the model. Trim changes caused by conversion are negligable. Re-conversion from sailplane to electric-powered model is equally simple and quickly performed.
Building instructions: Generally follow the sequence of the part numbering; they refer to the assembly of the lightweight R/C thermal soarer variant.
Instructions for the installation of R/C gear in the lightweight R/C thermal wirer version are provided by the R/C installation plan. Information concerning the conversion of MOSQUITO to an electric-powered model are provided in the electric drive installation plan end the instructions supplied with same.
The decision which variant you are going to build - either the electric powered model or the R/C sailplane model - must be made prior to commencing with the assembly as a midway change of opinion may, create some problems.
Whenever components of the R/C gear or the electric propulsion system have to be installed in Ina course of the assembly, this is mentioned in the text and indicated by a characteristic symbol printed on the margin of the page in question. The meaning of these symbols is explained at the end of the chapter. The contents of the kit are die-cut, milled and pre-cut, respectively. A prominent feature are the laminated balsa/veneer fuselage sides and fuselage bottom. The die-cut lateral notches of fuselage sides (1), (2) are used to transfer the positions of the formers et. to the sides.
Cautiously remove all die-cut balsa parts from the balsa sheet supplied, using a sharp balsa knife, and de-fuzz them. Saw out the partially diecut plywood parts using a scroll saw; de-fuzz these parts too. On principle all parts should be dry-fitted and mated to eachother. Use various grades of sanding paper..."
Update 29/07/2020: Added kit instructions (in German), thanks to Reinhard Lehmann.
Update 05/01/2021: Added tail scan (shows alternate built-up vertical stab and rudder construction) thanks to Reinhard.
Update 6/9/2023: Added drawing of electric powerplant installation (Graupner sheet ref: EL-79), thanks to Pit.
Update 2/10/2024: Added the previously missing pages (6,7) to the German instructions file.
Supplementary file notes
Electric powerplant installation.
Instructions (En, De).
Materials list, 4 pages.
Tail (alternate construction).
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User comments
Hello, here is a picture of my new Graupner mosquito [see more pics 006-007] built in 2017 with a 'retro'-transmitter. Best regardsOliver S. from Germany
Oliver S - 04/09/2019
Hello, enclosed photos of my Mosquito model [008-010]. I did not want to cut balsa into shape, so I built the stabiliser piece by piece. If you want to built it this way, there is the metric ruler to check up the dimensions... List of materials: 4 x 10mm Balsa „hart“, Stege 4 x 4 Balsa, Ruderblatt: Endleiste 4 x 20 mm, Mitte 4 x 10 Balsa, Stege 2 x 4 mm Balsa.
Sorry, I did not translate it into English, but I think you will understand...
Many Greetings,
Reinhard - 05/01/2021
Hello! Meanwhile I modified the wings of my 3 dehydral-Mosquito. The wingnose is now cheeted whith 1,5 mm balsa. You can whatch it flying on YouTube, see:
Many Greetings from Germany!
Reinhard Lehmann - 17/04/2022
Hello, here are two photographs of my three-dehydral-Mosquito [pics 011, 012]. Dehydral is taken from Hi/Ultra Fly, ribset by Cgulltec...
Reinhard Lehmann - 17/05/2022
My comment is late by a few years but I feel compelled to write it all the same... The way Julien displays his models is delightful, usually a still life with an embroidered or crochet table cloth, vegetables, and in this particular case what appears to be a (homemade?) jam bowl and framed photographs, likely to be family portraits. Thank you, Julien, it's always a pleasure!
Miguel - 18/05/2022
Miguel; The best model glider ever designed, in 1975 there was a competition between Graupner and Robbe to market the best model glider that was electrically equipped.
Mosquito was the best , Robbe made the Edelweiss , which was a bit heavier. Cause the v-tail, so I made an Edelweiss with Mosquito tail. That makes even a better glider than the Mosquito. Edelweiss has a better thermal wing than the Mosquito.
I have built more than 100 model gliders over 49 years, and the Edelweiss with Mosquito tail is the best, see on OUTERZONE at Robbe, Edelweiss. But the Mosquito is for general use the best ever , it underperforms my special Edelweiss with mosquito tail in thermals .
in the less sunny Belgium, I can fly with one battery 2200mA 3 cells, minimum 30 minutes, but 60 minutes is no exception. Since all other model gliders have long since returned to the ground, the mosquito sweats even longer.
Good luck with your Mosquito, which performs a lot better than the plastic gliders.
kind regards ; Julien Vermeire from Belgium.
Julien Vermeire - 20/05/2022
Julien, you are a kind person. God bless you.
Miguel - 20/05/2022
Hello, I,m Boris Sovic from SLOVENIA. MOSQUITO was my last wintter project. Such a pleasure to build and PURE JOY FOR FLY. Turns me back in my childhood times when I can only dreamed about it. I used balsa wood mostly, exept main carriers which is out of linden. Only construction change I made(GOD forgive me) is a position of el.motor.I used ART HOBBY 28 brushless motor .It fits perfectly in to a nose of model. And like you said:MOSQUITO is better than many plasic. I have some too. But with MOSQUITO in the air I could say I my DYING FOR FLYING.
Boris Sovic - 05/11/2022
Some photos of my beauty [pics 013-017]. From Slovenia,
Boris Sovic - 14/11/2022
Hi Boris. This is the best thermal glider ever. he flies with your eyes closed. watch out in thermals though, it can rise very fast, and you should spiral down immediately, but watch out for the wings they dare to shake. The trick is to maintain the right speed. good luck with your beautiful mosquito.
Kind regards Julien from Belgium.
Julien Vermeire - 15/11/2022
Thank you JULIEN. It is flying so good I just coudn't believe for 1st time. On maiden flight without trimming-fantastic. First choice if I want nice,quiet passion flying. Almost too good to be true.
My best to you too,
Boris Sovic - 15/11/2022
Hi Boris , did not know that good old Mosquito has so many fans ! It is no sin if you built the engine in the nose ! That is ok ! When I flew at "Retro Mitte 2018(?)" in Germany, a kollege who used the original equipment mocked at me and my Mosquito...Said I should not be allowed to fly, because it was no "Original-Mosquito" ! But I carried on flying....Thermal was excellent, after landing, I flew my "Alpha", it ist equiped with spoilers, hat to use them about a minute...
Reinhard Lehmann - 21/11/2022
I guess , I had one 1972 .
Michael Buggy - 26/11/2022
Michael Buggy, Are you sure ? The Mosquito came 1975....
Reinhard Lehmann - 28/11/2022
Hi Reinhard ; The Mosquito came in 1975, I had one of the first kits.
Originally the Mosquito is electric or fuel powered, you had two choices to build it,
I built them both, but the electric version was too heavy, so I flew the COX 0.9 Medallion, which was very good.
in 2010 I replaced the COX 0.9 Medallion with an electric motor without brushes , and a LiPo 2200 mA 3 cells,
This is better no more grease sticking to the kite, no more noise.
Cheaper than Fuel , I charge my Lipo with solar energy .
Now I fly completely free, I always fly behind my house in a meadow.
So I don't have club and transport costs either.
The months of March April May are the best thermal months between 12 and 3 pm.
one hour with a battery charge is no exception.
best regards from Julien.
Julien Vermeire - 19/12/2022
Hi Julien, my first Mosquito, built in 1977 (?) was flown as a glider first, than equipped with a "Taifun Sprint" . I used the pusher-set, than, after modifying the wingsmount the "Cirrus" - or "Carrera" enginemount....In springtime 1981 the Mosquito desintegrated because of strong winds...
Reinhard Lehmann - 26/06/2023
Hello, this is my first Mosquito [pic 018] after a little crash! It lost the rudder, has been repared at home...
Reinhard Lehmann - 27/06/2023
In the German instructions, pages 6 and 7 are missing - thanks to Karl for pointing this out - if anyone can send those two pages in, that would be great.
SteveWMD - 12/06/2024
Hello, sorry, I am looking for the missing pages , I simply forget to scan them....
Reinhard - 13/06/2024
Fixed now. Don't look any more :)
SteveWMD - 02/10/2024
Some time ago I designed a larger version of Mosquito with a wingspan of 3000 mm and equipped it with ailerons. The model was designed in CAD and adapted for laser cutting. Maybe in 2025 it will be possible to build it.
slawek - 19/10/2024
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- Mosquito (oz8460)
- Plan File Filesize: 862KB Filename: Mosquito_Graupner_oz8460.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 3412KB Filename:
- Supplement Filesize: 789KB Filename: Mosquito_Graupner_oz8460_electric_powerplant.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 4547KB Filename: Mosquito_Graupner_oz8460_instructions.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 3080KB Filename: Mosquito_Graupner_oz8460_instructions_de_.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 133KB Filename: Mosquito_Graupner_oz8460_materials.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 1569KB Filename: Mosquito_Graupner_oz8460_review.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 565KB Filename: Mosquito_Graupner_oz8460_tail.pdf
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