Undertaker (oz8384)
About this Plan
Undertaker. Radio control sports model. A low wing single channel sportster for the Sunay Flier. For power up to 1.5cc.
Quote: "Here is a pretty little low-winger which is easy to trim and is a smooth steady flier. The original was fitted with an ED Super Fury, but any engine of similar capacity should be suitable, although the cowling will have to be modified slightly to accommodate certain silencers.
Construction. The fuselage is the only item needing any detailed instructions, the flying surfaces being self-explanatory from the plan. The basic fuselage sides are made from 3/32 sheet, with 1/8 sheet doublers as shown on the plan. Use PVA or a contact cement to laminate these. After this cement the 1/8 sq longerons and uprights in position. If the escapement is to slide out on its tray, the 1/4 in sq rails may also now be positioned.
Make the engine-bearer/former assembly (using Cascamite or Araldite) and cement the sides to this, leaving to set thoroughly. Next add the two 1/4 x 1/4 in spacers at the rear of wing and cabin position. The tail block should be shaped, bushed and fitted at this stage - with the torque-rod in place.
Now add the spacers and formers; planking the top decking with 3/32in. x 1/4in. and sheeting the rear fuselage with 3/32 sheet. The windshield is built integral with the fuselage, but the main part of the cabin is built as a separate unit, and is made a clip fit into position for access to the radio compartment without necessitating the removal of the wing. Make the top block for motor fairing, hollowing as necessary. This is secured with a 6BA bolt through the engine plate, and has two locating dowels which fit into the engine bearers. Finally, add the soft block lower front cowling, and 1/4 in sheet bottom - with suitable air ducts for cooling. Shape and round off lower fuselage forward of wing, and fit the ply u/c plate and dowels.
Flying. The right amount of side-thrust is important, being some 5 degrees with 1.5 cc diesels. Make sure the washout is built-in correctly on both wing tips too. Test glide for a straight shallow glide. The original needed very little rigging adjustment with the CG in the position shown. First flights should be on low power, stepped up slowly to maximum, adjusting side-thrust as necessary to maintain straight flight under power. having trimmed glide by means of rudder or trim tabs as preferred.
On low revs the model should be allowed to gain height before giving any signals. Undertaker has the characteristic of maintaining a turn for some time, once one is started, opposite rudder being required to correct. This is a pleasant characteristic once one is used to it - and can be very economical on escapement turns...."
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by D Adams
from Radio Modeller
February 1966
44in span
IC R/C LowWing
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 23/01/2017
Filesize: 297KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: Circlip, RFJ
Downloads: 1066
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- Undertaker (oz8384)
- Plan File Filesize: 297KB Filename: Undertaker_RC_oz8384.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 691KB Filename: Undertaker_RC_oz8384_article.pdf
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