Notforsale (oz8238)
About this Plan
Notforsale (Not For Sale). Radio control sport model. For .32 to .46 power.
Quote "IN 1955, WHEN I was 11 years old and bedridden, my father scraped together enough money to subscribe to Model Airplane News. I remember what was on the cover of my first issue: an R/C airplane called the Smog Hog (oz671) held by 1-loward Banner and a control-line model the Thunderbird (oz6238) held by Bob Palmer. You old-timers will remember both of these guys. The Smog Hog wing was eventually modified and used as the inspiration for the low-wing Astro Hog (oz4756), originally kilted by Berkely and now by Sig Hobbies. I believe Bob Palmer went into the AMA Hall of Fame.
When I received that first issue, I was hooked on model airplanes, hook, line and sinker! To have Model Airplane News publish this design for the Notforsale 37 years later is, for me, quite a thrill. Over the years since then, l have learned to fly reasonably well with the aid of some very good friends. After going through (destroying) three or four planes. I could take off, fly around and successfully land. Eventually, I decided to help others learn to fly, and I have trained a few dozen new R/C pilots in recent years, many of them very eager youngsters.
Lately, I have been building kits for other people. mostly scratch-building for myself, and testing aircraft after aircraft. I rebuild crashed airplanes, make them flight-worthy, and then someone buys them from me so I can go on to the next project. Finally, I decided to design a totally different airplane, and the result is the Notforsale. There are about a dozen flying now, and the design has proved to be as reliable as it is popular.
CONSTRUCTION Start by cutting out the major parts from the plans. I cut out the 1/32 aircraft ply doublers (two pieces), the wingtips, ribs (10 pieces) and the firewall out of 3/16 aircraft ply, the three formers F1, F2 and F3, and the bottom hatch out of 1/8 lite-ply. Use care, especially when cutting the doublers; these are two of the most critical parts of the kit!
Fuselage. Select four good pieces of 1/8 balsa, 3 in wide by 30 long. If they are warped, straighten the edges using a metal straightedge and a sharp X-Acto knife, so they fit firmly against one another. Fit two pieces together, and use six pins to hold in place, allowing approximately 2 in between. Use 3/4 or 1 inch masking tape to hold the pieces together. Remove them from the board, turn them over and apply some medium or slow CA. Holding the joint open, apply the bead the entire length of the sheets..."
Hi Steve, Finally got around to scanning a couple plans for you. Everything for the NotForSale should be on the plan, it's a simple build.
Direct submission to Outerzone.
Update 13/06/2017: added construction booklet "in its stained and well loved glory", thanks to AndrewGadsden.
Update 14/06/2017: added article, thanks to spitfireflyby.
Supplementary file notes
Construction booklet.
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by Blaine Stetler
from Model Airplane News
May 1993
53in span
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 09/12/2016
Filesize: 991KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: AndrewGadsden
Downloads: 2960
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User comments
Something from the archives: the photo is of the "Not-For-Sale", scratch built off plan from one of the mags [more pics 003]. We used to kit this when I owned "The" Hobby Shop, with my partner, Barry Hunt.AndyCoutts - 12/01/2017
Attached a picture of the completed NotForSale [more pics 004]. First flight was Sunday and it's still in one piece :) Thanks!
AndrewGadsden - 09/08/2017
Attached is a photo of my "Not For Sale" that I built from plans downloaded from your site [more pics 005]. Power is a Irvine .40 glow engine. Great flying airplane.
EricP - 23/06/2018
Scaled it down to 78% [more pics 006]. Brushless EMax GT 2812/09. Amazing well flying model and my absolute favorite! More at:
Tomas Dunker - 03/10/2019
Photos of the NotForSale [main pic, 008-011]. Wooden construction according to plan, Thunder Tiger .46 engine.
Cristian Constancio - 25/01/2024
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- Notforsale (oz8238)
- Plan File Filesize: 991KB Filename: Not_For_Sale_53in_oz8238.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 1608KB Filename: Not_For_Sale_53in_oz8238_article.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 7624KB Filename: Not_For_Sale_53in_oz8238_instructions.pdf
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* Credit field
The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.
This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.
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