Ryan ST (oz815)


Ryan ST (oz815) by Paul Lindberg 1934 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Ryan ST. Rubber scale model 1930s 2-seater trainer.

Quote: "Building the Ryan Model S-T. By Paul W Lindberg, Model Editor and Designer for Popular Aviation.

THE model of the Ryan builds into one of the trimmest little ships we have produced. You will be thrilled in watching this little model fly, as maneuverability can be obtained by adjusting all control surfaces, which carry aluminum hinges. This is an excellent feature, developed only by our laboratory. This, together with concealed shock absorbers, new type of fuselage covering, with all the realistic rivet effects make it an outstanding model in the field.

All dimensions can be quickly and accurately determined by placing a ruler on the part to be measured. The plan is printed full size. If you wish a larger model, multiply this measure-ment by the amount of increase.

Color scheme. Entire ship is doped aluminum in color with the exception of fuselage which is covered with Master Metal Unifoil S-140 from section A-A to F-6. This unifoil is difficult to obtain in some localities, so for a limited time only PA Model Dept will forward you enough of this material to cover the body on receipt of ten cents. This is to cover cost of material, packing, and mailing. We are doing this as a special favor to our model builders. Address your letters to Paul W. Lindberg, Model Editor, in care of POPULAR AVIATION, 608 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois.

CONSTRUCTION OF FUSELAGE: The fuselage sides are built from 1/16-inch square balsa. The longerons, verticals, diagonal braces, etc are held in place until securely cemented, by inserting straight pins on either side of strips wherever needed, having first placed waxed paper on top of plan, to prevent parts from sticking to plan. After the two sides are completed, the cross members are cemented into their proper locations. Check carefully from front to rear for alignment.

Cut the formers from 1/32-inch sheet balsa and cement in their respective position shown on the plan. Cut-outs in formers are required to permit rubber motor to pass through body. F-6 is cut from 1/8-inch balsa to give strength at rear motor hook. Formers at section A-A are cut from 1/8-inch balsa and sanded to shape.

The position of the stringers is clearly shown on each former. The string-ers are cut to short lengths and cement-ed in between the formers. If one is very careful formers may be notched to carry stringers in one piece from front to rear. The fuselage may be covered with tissue, but the amount of stringers must be doubled to compensate for shape of fuselage. We do not recommend this, as the fine appearance is lost when not covered with Master Metal Unifoil.

MOTOR COWLING The front part of cowl is carved and sanded to shape from a balsa block. The top and bottom of cowl are hollowed out so that the walls are approximately 1/16-inch thick. The sides of cowl are made from a stiff grade of paper.

LANDING-GEAR A strong grade of balsa is used in the construction of the landing-gear struts. Study perspective on plans and note how rear part of strut fits into front strut, so that it will moove freely..."

Update 22/02/2019: Added article, from scans found online at https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Flying_Magazine.html?id=iRqI-1xucWgC.

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Ryan ST (oz815) by Paul Lindberg 1934 - model pic


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Ryan ST (oz815) by Paul Lindberg 1934 - pic 003.jpg
Ryan ST (oz815) by Paul Lindberg 1934 - pic 004.jpg

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