Chipmunk (oz7550)


Chipmunk (oz7550) by Jim Van Loo 1968 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Chipmunk. Control line stunt model. For .35 or .40 power. Later kitted by SIG.

Quote: "Tremendous combination of good looks and flying qualities is best way to describe this month's control line entry. A semi-scale stunter of the world famous full scale aerobatic plane adds important eye points to the flying points for the serious stunt competitor. By Jim Van Loo.

Not very often do we have the opportunity to find a real airplane that has all the things needed to make it a fine stunt ship. Hal Crier's Chipmunk meets these needs, with good looks, a beautiful paint job and good moments.

I had decided to build a Chipmunk sometime ago since we had one based a few miles from my home. Unfortunately however. it was gone by the time I got around to framing one. Flying Magazine ran an article on Hal's plane and darned if old Walt didn't turn up with a scale three-view of the De Havil-land Chipmunk in MAN.

Chipmunk #1 was built with the standard De Havilland tail since I liked the wider surface. Number two was then built and is the one presented here. On #2. I tried to come as close as possible to copying Hal's model. The only area of difference is the wheel pants hook up. Sig Manufacturing of Monte-zuma. Iowa is kitting it and it should be available at the same time this article is published.

The canopy can be purchased from Sig and although I am not sure at this time I think that the kit will have a pressed butyrate cowl and pants..How about that, no more carving' Be very careful when selecting your balsa. Sig contest balsa was used throughout for models #1 and 2.

Construction. I usually start with the wing and there are three ways in which to build it: 1. Buy a kit, 2. Purchase a foam wing from Foam Flite in Mankato. Minnesota, or 3. cut, sand, and fit method, which I use. However, now that the kit is available. I'm finished cutting. The following is a suggested method to construct the wing. But if you are like me, you'll probably do it your own way and when everything esle fails, follow instructions..."

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 19/9/2024: Replaced this plan with a clearer (and corrected) copy, thanks to DerickScott. This is a single sheet, shows full wing layout.

Update 21/9/2024: Replaced this plan with a corrected version (again), thanks to DerickScott.

Supplementary file notes

Article, thanks to GeorgeAlbo.
Previous scan version.


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Chipmunk (oz7550) by Jim Van Loo 1968 - model pic

  • (oz7550)
    by Jim Van Loo
    from Model Airplane News
    March 1968 
    54in span
    Scale IC C/L
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 15/03/2016
    Filesize: 909KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: dfritzke, DerickScott
    Downloads: 2201

  • De_Havilland_Canada_DHC-1_Chipmunk | help
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    search RCLibrary 3views (opens in new window)

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Chipmunk (oz7550) by Jim Van Loo 1968 - pic 003.jpg
Chipmunk (oz7550) by Jim Van Loo 1968 - pic 004.jpg

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User comments

The link for the plans appears to be broken. I can download the plans supplement just fine. Thank you for putting all these plans in one place for us!
Todd - 01/12/2021
The plan file is fine, so the problem is at your end. Are you on an Apple device by any chance? See download help page at: and good luck with the trouble-shooting.
SteveWMD - 01/12/2021
Yep. Downloads fine at my end.
RC Yeager - 01/12/2021
Just had a good look and the Van Loo chipmunk... WOW lots of size errors, measure the length of rib one, compare that to the inboard and outboard wing plans and they are all different, so if the side view! don't know where to start with this one.
Derick - 18/09/2024
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Download File(s):
  • Chipmunk (oz7550)
  • Plan File Filesize: 909KB Filename: Chipmunk_Stunt_MAN-1968_oz7550.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 1031KB Filename: Chipmunk_Stunt_MAN-1968_oz7550_article.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 1451KB Filename: Chipmunk_Stunt_MAN-1968_oz7550_previous.pdf
  • help with downloads


* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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