Cessna 310Q (oz7470)


Cessna 310Q (oz7470) by MRM - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Cessna 310Q. Radio control scale twin. 725 sq in wing area.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 14/11/2022: Added kit instructions, thanks to Michael Lamonica.

Quote: "Royal Products. Constructing the Cessna 310 Q.

You will first notice two different outlines shown on these plans. The inside set (marked scale outline) are exactly that. As you can see the wing is considerably smaller so we strongly suggest that you just build your 310 Q as an 'Eyeball' scale and enjoy better flight performance as a bonus!

Horizontal stabilizer construction begins by covering the plan with wax paper or Saran wrap. Next, pin the S-10 in place. Glue and pin ribs S-2 through S-8 in place, add S-9 between the S-8's and carefully block up the S-1's (leading edges). Next, pin and glue in place. When this assembly is dry, remove from the work bench, sand to shape and cover both top and bottom with 3/32 sheet balsa planking. Glue the S-11 tips on each end. Also, glue S-13's to 9-12's and when all the glue is dry, sand the entire assembly to shape.

Wing tip tanks are constructed with plywood frames (glue W-27's into W-23's, making one left and one right) and plastic foam blocks glued in place and sanded to shape, these will be fitted to the wing and secured with plywood W-27B's after the wing is built.

Begin wing construction by drawing an accurate centerline on each rib, then cut slots for the W-27A's in W-7's and W-8's. Cover plans with wax paper or Saran wrap and pin the lower main spar in place. Next, pin and glue the ribs in place beginning with all the W-1's and continuing through W-8, be sure all centerlines are parallel to the table top.

Install the top main spar, aileron spar, and 1/8 x 1 in leading edges. Mount the aileron bellcrank on W-33 and install between W-3 and W-4. Add the top trailing edge planking and mark it for aileron cutout. When dry, remove the framework from the board and add the bottom sub spar and landing gear blocks (W-15's, W-16 and W-17). Now, at this point, go back and repeat all of the above steps for the other wing, and then continue on as outlined below.

Join both wing halves together and install W-12, W-13's, W-14's, W-18 and W-37's. Install engine servo and control rod sheathing. Also, install aileron linkage through the bellcrank and add W-10's and aileron horns before you cut out the ailerons. Install tip tank braces and check for fit. Don't glue in place, however, until after wing is fully sheeted. Leading edges are installed, ailerons are cut out, W-20's added and the entire assembly is sanded to shape.

Carefully study the isometric drawings of the nacelles before beginning construction. Notice the tank and hatch detail. For the best fit lay Saran wrap over the wing and pin nacelle formers N-5's through N-8's in place. Glue and pin sides in place and carefully add N-4's, EM's, N-9's, and N-1's in that order. When dry, add top and bottom 1/8 sheet planking, remove assembly from wing and fit the fuel tanks to N-3's and then mount to N-1 with wood screws after hatch 15 cut away, before you do the cutting, however, carve and sand nacelles (as shown in front view drawing) to accept N-12's on the top corners and N-13's on bottom. Add N-1's and N-15's and then sand to shape to fit wing... "

Supplementary file notes

Parts & formers. 2 large sheets.


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Cessna 310Q (oz7470) by MRM - model pic

  • (oz7470)
    Cessna 310Q
    by MRM
    from Royal Marutaka
    73in span
    Scale IC R/C LowWing Multi Civil Kit
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
  • Submitted: 07/02/2016
    Filesize: 1419KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: JJ
    Downloads: 6352

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    ScaleType: This (oz7470) is a scale plan. Where possible we link scale plans to Wikipedia, using a text string called ScaleType.

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    Corrections? Use the correction form to tell us the new/better ScaleType link we should be using. Thanks.

Cessna 310Q (oz7470) by MRM - pic 003.jpg
Cessna 310Q (oz7470) by MRM - pic 004.jpg

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  • Cessna 310Q (oz7470)
  • Plan File Filesize: 1419KB Filename: Cessna_310Q_Royal_Marutaka_oz7470.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 1602KB Filename: Cessna_310Q_Royal_Marutaka_oz7470_instructions.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 559KB Filename: Cessna_310Q_Royal_Marutaka_oz7470_parts.pdf
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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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