Guidato (oz7378)


Guidato (oz7378) by B Sichi 1957 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Guidato. Radio control sport model.

Quote: "Easy-to-build 66-inch radio control design for rudder only course flying. Ideal for the r/c beginner using 2.5 - 3.5 cc. Guidato, by Brian Sichi.

HERE IS A MODEL that makes no pretence of being fully aerobatic but fills the bill as far as most modellers are concerned for top class performance as a pure sport flier. The original with its DC 350 is now a veteran flier up at Ayr in Scotland, and has proven time and time again that its robust design features are just what the average modeller needs for pure and simple course flying for fun.

Everything on this model has been designed for simplicity and serviceability. Radio equipment is accessible through the cabin side flap, the tricycle undercarriage takes all landing shocks, the motor is upright and fully accessible, the tailplane and wings quickly detach leaving the fin and control surface permanently fixed to the fuselage. For the man who wants to start radio flying, Guidato is ideal for quite a wide range of engines from 2.5 cc to 3.5 cc.

Begin with the fuselage, making up the engine bearer assembly with F1, F3, to which are added the side frames with projecting longerons forward of F3 position. Join sides with F4, cross braces, adding wing and tail dowels and make arrangements to take whatever type of actuator is selected. The undercarriage fitting should be added before sheeting-in nose bays to F4 position, with sheet. Build up fin and rudder, adding to fuselage, then complete all incidentals before proceeding with the tailplane.

Flat bottom makes assembly simple over the plan both for the wing and tail, wings being made in two separate pieces over the main spar and ribs R1 merely used as locators until the dihedral brace has been added for joining wings when they can be cemented firm. Add centre section and leading edge sheeting, wingtips, then cover overall with heavyweight Modelspan giving a liberal application of clear dope (silk would be preferable).

For first flights, use low engine power to give extended hand glide performance just to check that wing and tail angles are suitable, then gradually increase the power and you will soon be performing those figure eights-and spot landings and three point spot landings on the local flying field."

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Guidato (oz7378) by B Sichi 1957 - model pic


Guidato (oz7378) by B Sichi 1957 - pic 003.jpg
Guidato (oz7378) by B Sichi 1957 - pic 004.jpg
Guidato (oz7378) by B Sichi 1957 - pic 005.jpg
Guidato (oz7378) by B Sichi 1957 - pic 006.jpg
Guidato (oz7378) by B Sichi 1957 - pic 007.jpg

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User comments

"Guidato" it's the Italian terms that correspond to the past participle tense of "To Guide" (guided). Its name is related to the fact that it is a "controlled" r/c plane. The name of the author (Sichi) has Italian origins and it's typical of Tuscany region.
Pit - 12/01/2016
I chose to build a Guidato because having instructed for over twenty-five years, I have become used to steerable nose wheels on ARTFs! I wanted a vintage model with a tricycle undercarriage as an ab in itio trainer for retired novices. The Waveguide and Rudder Bug were both considered but rejected because I had seen examples of each at various fly-ins although I'll admit that the Rudder Bug was only half the size of the original, so I chose the Guidato because I had never seen one before!
I started the build on 3rd July 2022 but a series of family bereavements prevented me from finishing and flying the model until 5th February 2023. I made the following modifications:
1. I added an elevator
2. I increased the size of the rudder.
3. The lower forward spar is 1/8" obechi on the plan. I replaced it with 1/4" balsa and moved it backwards to correspond with the upper forward spar which is also 1/4". I added inter-spar webbs between the spars.
The engine is an ASP 30 FS and the model is covered in Solartex. Overall weight was 4lbs 4 ozs or nearly 2 kgs. The test flight suggested that a little more lead in the nose would be advantageous. Other than that model flies well, perhaps it is a little quicker than a Super 60 and it requires 3/4 throttle to maintain level flight. I may well change the engine for an OS 40 FS Surpass which would give me some more weight in the nose and a bit more power on take off.
My enlarged rudder was not necessary.
I had a bit of a disaster on the model's third flight when it just dropped a wing and spun into the ground. I suspect a duff switch, receiver or battery. I am a notorious cheapskate but you can take things too far. I had new examples of all three in stock which I should have fitted. Repairs are ongoing and I will build a new fin with a smaller rudder but perhaps not quite so small as Mr Sichi's original bang-bang rudder!
A few pictures attached [pics 005-007], perhaps I'll have the model filmed once repairs have been completed.
Other builders may reject Mr Sichi's unconventional wing construction and substitute something else, but all in all, I'm pleased with it. It makes a pleasant and unusual alternative to all of those Junior 60s, Super 60s, Radio Queens and Quaker Flashes.
David Davis - 20/04/2023
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