Osprey (oz7191)


Osprey (oz7191) by Joe Wagner 1988 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

by Joe Wagner. This is an enlarged (and refined) RC version of the famous Joe Wagner Dakota (oz233) FF design.

Quote: "This 1/2A all-balsa cabin bipe is simple to build and incorporates some unique design features like easy-to-duplicate molded balsa wings and a slide-in radio and engine tray to provide total equipment access. The corn-ined wing area is slightly over 300 square inches, which gives the Osprey a comfortable wing loading in the 12 to 13 ounce per square foot range; perfect for slow, relaxed flying. A sure hit for small fields.

Like most of my model designs, the Osprey is a blend of the old and the new. Its old-fashioned features are obvious: the cabin biplane layout with its 1938 decoration scheme, and the all-sheet balsa configuration, strongly reminiscent of my 1949 Veco Dakota (oz233) 1/2A free-flight model.

The Osprey's new features are less visible, and include the R/C installation. The model doesn't have detachable wings or removable hatches, yet all the radio equipment is easily accessible. How? It's mounted on a sliding track that's attached to the rear of the engine section. To get at it, you just unscrew four screws at the firewall, remove the whip antenna and the switch actuator, and unsnap the clevises. Then the whole engine and R/C assembly slides right out of the front of the airplane.

Another of the Osprey's innovations is the way its sheet-balsa wings are steam-formed to their airfoil. The process does require a mold, but if you don't want to go to the trouble of making a hardwood mold like mine, Wing Manufacturing has a foam one available for $11 (postpaid). Order catalog No. JW-DD- 183.

The airfoil-forming mold is extremely useful; wings of any chord from 2 to 6 inches can be formed on it. I've used mine to make light, strong and efficient wings for several fine-flying model designs, from tiny rubber-powered free-flighters to R/C models such as the Osprey. There are more on the way!

Here's how the wings are made. You begin with a rectangular sheet balsa blank of the proper dimensions. First..."

Update 07/06/2016: article pages, text & pics added, thanks to PatrickMartin.

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Article (incomplete).


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Osprey (oz7191) by Joe Wagner 1988 - model pic


Osprey (oz7191) by Joe Wagner 1988 - pic 003.jpg

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