Hawker Fury (oz7140)


Hawker Fury (oz7140) by John Blankenship 1974 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Hawker Fury. Peanut scale rubber model.

Quote: "This plane is hard to resist when full size plans look you in the face. Peanut Hawker Fury, by John Blankenship.

This elegant English biplane served top Royal Air Force fighter squadrons in the early 1930s - The classic lines of the 'Fury' foretold the soon-to-follow Hawker 'Hurricane' monoplane fighter which was to achieve fame in the Battle of Britain. The development and service history of the Fury, along with color views, are to be found in Profile Publications #18.

Good performance can be attained with this rubber powered Peanut Scale version of the Fury. Accurate construction and the use of the lightest available materials will add greatly to your flying pleasure.

The Fuselage. Begin construction of the basic box frame by building up the side frames from light weight 1/16 in square balsa. Take care to see that the pieces used for the longerons are reasonably firm, with no flaws to withstand the bending. Protect the plan from glue with plastic kitchen wrap. The two side frames are assembled inverted over the fuselage top view to form the basic box structure. Cut the cross members carefully to exact length and check alignment as the box is assembled. Note the extra cross member on the bottom for mounting the rear landing gear strut and the short longitudinal piece at the rear for mounting the tailskid.

Cut the fuselage formers from light weight 1/32 sheet and glue carefully in place. Cement the three 1/16 square balsa stringers to the rear fuselage deck. The forward fuselage sheeting should now be cut from white bond paper and carefully glued in place. Bend the landing gear struts from .015 dia music wire and bind with thread to the bottom fuselage cross mem-bers. The landing gear spreader bar is 1/16 x 1/8 balsa. Trim the length to fit inside the bottom ends of the music wire struts. Carefully push the lower strut ends into the spreader bar and retain with ep-oxy glue. Cut short lengths of 1/16 OD aluminum tubing for bushings for the 1 in dia vintage wheels and push the straight pin axles into the spreader bar to retain the wheels. Now add the three 1/16 square balsa stringers to the bottom for-ward fuselage section.

The landing gear fairings are 1/32 balsa. Make a light groove on the inside face of each fairing piece and glue to the music wire struts with small spots of epoxy. The rear strut fairings are 1/32 x 1/8 balsa strips. Cut the noseblock from 1/4 in balsa sheet to fit the fuselage section at former A as shown on the plan. Cut a 3/32 balsa keying piece for the noseblock to fit inside the fuselage front end, and cement to the back side of the noseblock. Drill a 1/16 dia hole for the propeller shaft, preferably using a drill press or drill stand with an electric hand drill. Draw the spinner circle on the front of the nose-block, then carve and sand to shape..."

John Blankenship's Hawker Fury from Flying Models magazine issue 12-74.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

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Hawker Fury (oz7140) by John Blankenship 1974 - model pic

  • (oz7140)
    Hawker Fury
    by John Blankenship
    from Flying Models
    December 1974 
    13in span
    Scale Rubber F/F Biplane Military Fighter
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 19/10/2015
    Filesize: 376KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: theshadow
    Downloads: 2180

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Hawker Fury (oz7140) by John Blankenship 1974 - pic 003.jpg
Hawker Fury (oz7140) by John Blankenship 1974 - pic 004.jpg
Hawker Fury (oz7140) by John Blankenship 1974 - pic 005.jpg
Hawker Fury (oz7140) by John Blankenship 1974 - pic 006.jpg
Hawker Fury (oz7140) by John Blankenship 1974 - pic 007.jpg
Hawker Fury (oz7140) by John Blankenship 1974 - pic 008.jpg
Hawker Fury (oz7140) by John Blankenship 1974 - pic 009.jpg

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User comments

Peanut Scale Hawker Fury Mk1 constructed from the 1974 plan by John Blankenship [modelpic, plus more pics 005-009]. This model is bound to put a smile upon your face, simple lines and beauty, and with such an outstanding pedigree. The famous Hurricane is so apparent in the Fury's design. A carved propeller, and hand-made wire wheels, along with a bit of art on the radiator intake, all serve to make her a piece de resistance. She's so sweet, you'd be happy to take her home to mother. Much thanks to the folk at OuterZone...and to you, Mary.
Neal Green - 13/03/2020
Nice job.
John Blankenship - 15/03/2020
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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