Colt 35 (oz7105)


Colt 35 (oz7105) by Alan Schwemmer 1967 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Colt 35. Radio control sport model, by Alan Schwemmer from November 1967 AAM.

Quote: "Contest-proved Class I winner which doubles as a docile Sunday flyer. A sport or beginner ship when its .35 mill is throttled down. Colt 35, by Alan Schwemmer.

The Colt was designed to give good all-around performance on a .35 engine. The original model has fulfilled my needs quite well. It placed second in its first contest before the dope was hardly dry, and has a continuous string of first places since then, including the last two West Coast championships.

But the real joy is to throttle back slightly and just spend the day flying it around. When not on high power the model is quite docile and can be used to shoot touch-and-goes one after the other. A deft touch on the throttle will make others think you are flying Class 2, the throttle substituting for an elevator.

Fuselage: The construction used gives a very strong, yet light-weight airframe capable of taking a lot of punishment; is straightforward so general practices may be used. Start with the fuselage sides as the left-over 1/16 sheet is used for wing and stab ribs. Butt glue together three 1/16 x 3 x 48 in sheets. Both sides can be cut out of this sheet with a minimum of waste. The firewall, bulkheads, and 1/2 in blocks should be as square as possible as they determine the alignment of the sides.

Laminate 1/32 ply to sides from nose to bulkhead #2. Add 3/16 square stringers and 1/8 x 3/8 diagonal bracing. Laminate 1/32 ply and 1/2 in balsa stab-mount doublers. Glue on 1/2 in tank compartment side blocks and hardwood motor bearers. Drill holes in firewall for nose gear mounts. Pin one side to a flat surface and glue in firewall, bulkheads #1 and #2..."

Update 17/10/2015: Replaced this plan with a clearer copy (patterned background removed) thanks to TonyP.

Update 11/01/2017: added article, thanks to RFJ.

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Colt 35 (oz7105) by Alan Schwemmer 1967 - model pic


Colt 35 (oz7105) by Alan Schwemmer 1967 - pic 003.jpg

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