Focke-Wulf Stosser (oz709)
About this Plan
Focke Wulf Stosser. Free flight sale model of the German Focke-Wulf Fw 56 advanced trainer.
Quote: "When we look for a subject for a flying scale model the order for selection usually comes under the sequence of proportions, attractive appearance. novelty, and colouring. The Stosser combines all of these features, and with a Mills .75 diesel makes a splendid little sports flyer.
Mr Barton's own model carries the plain silver and black colouring of a 1938 aircraft. During 1939 the dash between letters was converted to a Latin or 'Iron' cross on the fuselage sides and a Staffel number superimposed over the centre two identity letters. Civil registration was carried across the top of the wings with the addition of two crosses on either side, and these details are included on the drawing opposite.
Construction: Build the fuselage over a flat centre keel of 1/16 sheet over which half formers are added. Lift the keel from the building board, add the other halves and straighten the fuselage in plan elevation with a pair of master stringers on either side from F4 aft. The undercarriage is bound to F3, and F1, 2, 2A and 3A added complete with engine bearers. Fit cabane struts and tail skid, sheet the nose hack to and add rear fuselage stringers. The backbone keel is removed at the cockpit section and cut away after sandpapering.
Build the centre section halves integral with the outer wing panels. The C/S halves are butt joined at the dihedral angle with 1-1/2 in under each tip and then bound to the cabane struts. Now separate the outer panels from the centre section, cover the underside of C/S with stiff paper, add strut fairings, wing strut tubes to under-surface, and make struts to adjust for correct dihedral. These are from 3/8 x 3/16 spruce, carved to streamlined section and take all of the flying and landing loads.
Tailplane and fin are conventional and eventually cemented secure to the fuselage after flight trimming.
The undercarriage fairing which is a characteristic of the Stosser should he carved to fit the curvature of the fuselage and has a piece of soft rubber inserted in its upper section to take care of distortion when landing. This is made from an ordinary eraser and held in place with rubber solution.
Retain the tailplane with elastic bands for adjustment during the initial glide tests and trim for a left turn both on the power and glide. When fitted with a Mills .75 a little ballast will be required to bring the centre of gravity forward, and this can be placed in the nose compartment.
Try a hand launch glide over log grass to check the wing and tail settings - and if it stalls violently, add more nose ballast to compensate, bringing the CG forward. First power flights should be with low revs, and if the turn is tight, use right thrust offset on the engine to open up the turning radius ready forfull power. When satisfied with the power trim, cement the tail surfaces firm and you are set for many happy flights. "
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Focke-Wulf Stosser
by Brian Barton
from Aeromodeller
January 1956
43in span
Scale IC F/F Parasol Trainer Military
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Found online 23/04/2011 at:
Filesize: 505KB
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Downloads: 3227
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- Focke-Wulf Stosser (oz709)
- Plan File Filesize: 505KB Filename: Stosser_oz709.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 216KB Filename: Stosser_oz709_article.pdf
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