Aerolance (oz7051)


Aerolance (oz7051) by Clarence Mather 1957 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Aerolance. Free flight gas model, for 1/2A engines.

Quote: "Second in a series of high performance models for novice FF flyers. Aerolance, by Clarence Mather.

This is a peppy 1/2A ship with a 200 square inch wing and excellent performance. It climbs in a very fast and steep right spiral and glides slowly in left circles, The model is also rugged enough to survive the knocking around that contest planes must take. Dethermalizers are a must, for even the early morning dew thermals float the ship. We recommend following the prescribed flight adjustments. The ship pictured has over 150 flights and has a good flight path with some reserve stability.

The plans are full-size so begin by removing the pages from the magazine and pasting them together. To make a warp-resistant model, cut all wooden parts so that they fit together well. Precoat each surface of a joint with cement and some minutes later apply a second thin coat. Then place the parts together. Some joints, such as the firewall and the wing spars, might well be given two or three pre-coats. Fuel-proof cements are used of course.

Assemble the fuselage sides by cementing formers B and G in position and aligning them accurately. Set the frame upside down on a level surface to dry. Add the rest of the formers, and the firewall which is angled for downthrust. If thick plywood is not available cement thin layers together. Add the second layer of sheet to the inside of the nose to lock the firewall securely.

Drill the nose to accommodate the fuel line and the engine bolts. Cut out the areas for the timer and the needle valve. Make them all oversize so that the edges can be doped. A Darwin tank and Tick Off timer were used and are very reliable. The simpler eye dropper tank-timer is advised against unless the engine is extremely consistent. Give the inside of the nose three coats of straight fuel-proof dope. Solder the engine bolt nuts to a strip of tin and screw to the firewall..."

FM Aerolance from '57.

Supplementary file notes

Article, thanks to DavidTerrell.


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Aerolance (oz7051) by Clarence Mather 1957 - model pic


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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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