Combateer (oz6859)


Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Veron Combateer. Control line model.

Quote: "For basic training, advanced stunt, or combat flying, dependant upon engine power used, 2cc to 5cc diesel or glow motors."

Quote: "December 1955 Over the Counter Review: The Veron Combateer.

PRIMARILY the Combateer was designed for the Australian market and, in fact, the first three months' production of these kits went overseas. It has quite recently been released for home sales.

The original specification called for a simple, rugged, box-like control-liner, easy to build yet fully aerobatic and capable of taking a wide range of motors from 2 to 5 cc. Designer Phil Smith seems to have met all these points adequately and at the same time come up with an outline shape which is quite pleasing, rather than 'utility,' in appearance. We are also quite prepared to believe (although we have not been able to complete and check out the test model in time) that the Combateer should be fully acrobatic on a 3.5 cc engine and a positive speedster on a 'five.'

The design is quite conventional stunt model practice, with a fairly generous tail moment to give smooth manoeuvres and, particularly, for maximum stability on low power. It is symmetrical in line-up with an upright engine mounting, although details for 'sidewinder' installation are given on the plan. A fixed undercarriage is fitted with rather small diameter wheels. The wing is counter-balanced with an internal weight near the starboard tip and the section is 15 percent symmetrical.

The box fuselage construction demands marking out the sides on to 1/8 in sheet, cementing on bottom 3/16 sq longerons, building up the motor bearer assembly and then assembling the sides on this and the two other fuselage formers. The wing is built as a flat one-piece unit with die-cut ribs, shaped trailing edges and V section) leading edge stock (a good solution for a near-finished section on symmetrical wings). After sheeting the centre section, installing the control plate and fitting the leadout wires, the wing is passed through the fuselage and cemented in place. The sheet tail unit is then fitted, control wire hooked up and fuselage top and bottom decking fitted. The whole job takes very little time to finish to this stage and is extremely rigid.

Kit contents are comprehensive (except dopes and cement). The lightweight 1-1/2 in dia wheels could have been bigger and heavier for the size of model, but it is nice to see good quality wheels in a kit these days..."

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 14/08/2018: added kit review from Model Aircraft, December 1955, thanks to RFJ.

Update 06/09/2018: added instructions & printed parts, thanks to AllanV.

Supplementary file notes

Kit review.
Printed parts.


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Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - model pic

  • (oz6859)
    by Phil Smith
    from Veron
    38in span
    IC C/L Kit
    clean :)
    formers unchecked
  • Submitted: 14/07/2015
    Filesize: 965KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: AugustaWest
    Downloads: 2561

Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 003.jpg
Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 004.jpg
Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 005.jpg
Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 006.jpg
Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 007.jpg
Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 008.jpg
Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 009.jpg
Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 010.jpg
Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 011.jpg
Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 012.jpg
Combateer (oz6859) by Phil Smith 1955 - pic 013.jpg

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User comments

I decided to build another Veron Combateer after 40 odd years, and still having the original plan, I dug out a kit I bought about 25 years ago to copy the printed parts. I took a look at your site to see if you had a copy of the parts and instructions (something I do each time I build another vintage plane), and as you don't, here they are [see supplementary files].
AllanV - 06/09/2018
Hi. The printed parts only shows Sheet 1? Cheers,
Neil - 17/11/2021
I suspect that sheet 2 only contains wing ribs.
pmw - 17/11/2021
Each year our Control Line club (Control Line Aeromodellers of Brisbane Inc) nominates a theme model that our members build and fly on a designated day. This year we chose the Veron Combateer and downloaded the plan from your site. The model shown in the attached photos [main pic, 007-011] was built by John Lewis. John has made a few modifications such as an alloy undercarriage, slightly different wing section and solid tips and added half ribs. On its recent maiden flight it performed well, being quite quick and maneuvorable. Cheers
John Lewis - 26/09/2022
I recently completed a Veron Combateer, from the Outerzone plan [pics 012, 013]. It will have an OS 15 LA installed. I thought you might use the photos on your excellent website. Kind regards,
Malcolm Campbell - 17/10/2022
My Combateer was maidened yesterday, Sunday 11/8/2024. It was completed almost two years ago. OS25 sems a good choice of motor. Model appears a bit nose heavy, so I've added tailweight. Since the CG doesnt appear to be of importance on the plan, trial and error will get it right at some point. Really enjoyed the model. Previously built one back in 1963.
Brian Martin - 12/08/2024
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Download File(s):
  • Combateer (oz6859)
  • Plan File Filesize: 965KB Filename: Combateer_Veron_CL_38in_oz6859.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 1305KB Filename: Combateer_Veron_CL_38in_oz6859_instructions.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 584KB Filename: Combateer_Veron_CL_38in_oz6859_printed_parts.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 289KB Filename: Combateer_Veron_CL_38in_oz6859_review.pdf
  • help with downloads


* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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