Das Ugly Stik (oz6801)


Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Das Ugly Stik (Das Ugly Stick). Radio control sport model, for .40 - .60 power.

Quote: "The Phil Kraft Das Ugly Stik (oz5175), has probably sired more Stik offsprings than any other R/C design. With the passing of time and the introduction of the various Stik designs, Phil's name seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle. Be it known to one and all, Phil Kraft was the designer of the original Ugly Stik!

In the May-June 1966 issue of Grid Leaks, Phil Kraft wrote the following: The original concept of the Ugly Stik was to design a radio controlled aircraft which could be built in an absolute minimum of time. Its purpose was towards a flying test bed for new proportional control developments and an all around shop airplane which could be used as a loaner for visiting fliers testing repaired equipment, and any use which required an airplane which could be considered as expendable...

We are presenting the version of the Ugly Stik that was originally kitted by Jim Jensen. We have incorporated a few updates such as using a plastic engine mount and a modern radio system. The Futaba FP-4L radio was selected because it is a reliable, economical system with servo reversing switch feature.

Also, in response to numerous reader requests, we are presenting a most comprehensive set of building instructions and photos. Due to the length of these instructions, this article must be presented in two parts with the second part appearing next month. Now we can get on with building our very own Ugly Stik.

(1) Cut fuselage sides from 1/4 in sheet (See Photo 1). Sides are spliced in aft end to allow the use of 36 in long sheet stock. Various holes are drilled as shown at this time.
(2) Glue aft splice parts into position. (See Photo 2)
(3) Cut out the remaining fuselage parts.
(4) Assemble forward ply bottom to aft bottom sheet using the 1/8 x 1 in ply doubler on the top side.
(5) Mark the top side of the bottom for bulkhead and 1/4 in square rudder support locations.
(6) Glue rudder supports to bottom as marked. (See Photo 3)
(7) Drill holes in 1/4 in ply firewall for engine and nose wheel mounts. Our model used a Kraft engine mount and a Carl Goldberg 5/32 steerable nose gear set. If you use a different brand of these units you may have to drill the holes to fit your selection..."

Scanned from full-size plan and cleaned up by shinck.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 3/5/2024: Replaced this plan with a clearer copy, thanks to BurkhardE.

Supplementary file notes

Previous scan version.


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Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - model pic

  • (oz6801)
    Das Ugly Stik
    by Phil Kraft, RCM staff
    from RCMplans (ref:939)
    May 1985 
    62in span
    IC R/C
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 27/06/2015
    Filesize: 1679KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: shinck, BurkhardE
    Downloads: 13228

Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 003.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 004.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 005.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 006.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 007.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 008.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 009.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 010.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 011.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 012.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 013.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 014.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 015.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 016.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 017.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 018.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 019.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 020.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 021.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 022.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 023.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 024.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 025.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 026.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 027.jpg
Das Ugly Stik (oz6801) by Phil Kraft, RCM staff 1985 - pic 028.jpg

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User comments

GREAT to see the Ugly Stick preserved again. I've built and flown (for a whole 45 seconds) a Jensen Ugly Stick, see note Two below. I've got a friend, Ken, at my RC club who worked for Phil Kraft and Ken swears he's built over 200 of them over the years. Two notes not in the article: One; the original Jensen plans specify DO NOT cover the model with that fancy new 'Monocote' stuff. The model was designed for fabric and dope. They weren't sure that the plastic covering would warp the frame more than dope. This has since proved to be a false belief. Two; FLUTTER! Original Ugly Stiks suffer from flutter from the wing tip vortices being attached to the aileron tip. One remedy is to cut the last 2-1/2 to 3 inches off the aileron and glue it firmly to the tip of the wing. You will barely notice the change in roll rate and you've eliminated the source of flutter. Take Care,
TomSolinski - 02/07/2015
Steve, Attached, some pictures of my brand new 'Das Ugly Stick' [more pics 003-005]. It was built using the RCM plan found on your website. I drew most of the parts for the plane using "Inkscape". Inkscape is a drawing program that can be found online for free. The program allows to save files in dxf, a file format used by lasercutters. The parts were lasercut at a local Fablab. The whole project was a great learning experience. And yes, it flies like a rocket... Many thanks for all your work!!!
PeterI - 13/10/2016
Hello Mary. Here's a little naked wood of my Ugly Stick by Phil Kraft, from RCMplans [more pics 006-009]. Well as you know, Mr. Cheapo - he had to paint on his own the multi crosses.
LarryW - 23/01/2017
See my Ugly Stik currently under construction [more pics 010, 011], lightened up a little for electric power, still the same size as the original, built as a low wing tail dragger. Tail feathers are covered with Doculam at this stage, not yet painted, airframe weight at 1 lb 3 oz, hope to meet completed target weight of 4 lbs. I expect this version to last longer than my last Stik, which fluttered apart, unable to withstand the thrust of a honkin' Kraft 61. At the time this model was designed, few 61 engines were available, and the ones that were, weighed a lot less and had less power than the present crop. I think a good 46 would be ample power if the weight didn't get out of control. My electric motor should be about the same as an average 40 but able to pull a bigger prop. Stay tuned for more pix as the project continues.
DougSmith - 17/02/2017
My Ugly Stik is finished and test flown this morning in rotten weather. So far as I can tell, it flies very well with the seemingly smallish motor, a Leopard 4250, 960 KV. A Venon 3300 3 cell lipo supplies 480 watts with APC 12x6 prop. I was able to beat my target weight of 4 lbs by more than expected. Final weight, with battery, is 3 lb, 6 oz. Covered with Doculam and painted with Rustoleum in U.S. Army Air Corps colors, insignia and tail stripes are decals [more pics 012]. My version is built upside down as a tail dragger from the RCM plans, identical to the original except for more modern radio equip. Only other changes made were to lighten it up as much as possible for electric power. Hope to get in some more flights soon.
DougSmith - 24/04/2017
[Almost] forgot the pilot pic [more pics 013]. Thankfully, the Williams Brothers pilot figures are again available. Most of the hobby shops don't handle them but they're available direct. I used the 1/6 scale standard pilot, the version with the movable head and leather helmet. He looks to the side to see over the long Ugly Stik nose when he taxis down the runway. His ski nose didn't do much for me, made him look like Bob Hope, so I gave him a more manly appearance with some body putty and a mustache. Yes I know he's a pain to paint, but Testor's flat enamel colors make it easier and the flat finish hides some of your mistakes much better than gloss. As a tribute to Phil Kraft, his name is on the fuselage.
DougSmith - 24/04/2017
I just found out the PDFs of the fuselage and wings (Pages 1 and 2) print off to different scale. Please be aware before printing.
John G - 12/07/2019
If you print out in 100% for both sheets I can see no problems.
KLH - 12/07/2019
The ugly fleet [more pics 014]. All scratch built from plans by Ralph Gale, Orem, Utah.
RalphGale_Utah - 02/10/2019
Finally getting around to finishing this model [more pics 015] after having a few issues with the printers regarding scaling, and I'm really pleased with this trial fit.
This is my third 'Stik' as I just love them. The engine is an OS 46 Surpass, with Futaba radio. I continued the wing tips to the full cord of the wing to stop any aileron flutter issues as mentioned further up this page; thank you. Also, the wings are flat with no dihedral as I don't want to much yaw/roll couple.
Thanks for a great website.
John G - 06/12/2019
Hi John, what scaling issues were those? I agree the nominal wingspan is 60" and the plan measures at 62", no big deal for a sport model and an Ugly one at that.
I don't know what the fuselage length is supposed to be, from tip of tail to firewall or to spinner tip so there is a difficulty here, but what I found is that wing chord at root - that is, minus the ailerons chord - measures at 12" on both sheets, I think all is ok. As KLH said above, 100% is ok for both sheets, or you can make it 97% if you want to bring it down from those 62" to 60" but would it be worth it?
Miguel - 08/12/2019
Hi, sorry for the late reply. My wing came out at 56 inches from wing rib to wing rib. The scaling issue was with the printer who printed out the fuselage to a smaller scale than that of the wing. The PDF here on OZ is fine, just don't use my printer.
John G - 21/12/2019
Hi John, human error then. In any case it's always best to check dimensions first, OZ are quite careful but an error may always creep in.
Miguel - 21/12/2019
Hello again from a sunny Yorkshire for a change! Please find attached a couple of pictures [more pics 016,017] of my Das Ugly Stik built from your plan oz6801. I’ve finally got around to covering it and as you can see, my wife Jill cut out a few ‘Flying Ladies’ from Solartrim instead of the usual black cross, which I think looks a lot more pretty. I have to finish a few decorative stripes and install the fuel tank and she is good to go for her maiden flight. Will the wind ever drop though? Thank you again for a great website. Best regards,
John Boy Paddy - 06/03/2020
This is my 2nd hand built fantastic plane [pics 018-020]. I used .46 O.S. with 11x6 prop. Excellent flying stability. Very easy to handle aerobatic with short distance takeoff . I'm from Sri lanka (Formy flyers Club)
Mahesh Nagasena - 22/12/2020
The classic Das Ugly Stik, what's not to like and these are great plans. See my detailed build blog for this on YouTube - "Das Ugly Stik - RC Aeroplane Build Series" - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGILJsUw3dvRV_vh2MAe0VBraPhvk7KEQ
Mark Robinson - 22/01/2021
Print errors: I've had print problems with various files, usually my fault but not always. I once mistakenly printed a plan at 122% because I wasn't paying attention, then wondered why the balsa sticks didn't fit. But a more serious problem occurred at the printers. Their printer will print no larger than 36" width, Length is no problem because the paper feeds off a roll, but if your sheet is too wide, it just re-scales it to fit the 36". I didn't notice it until I got home, had to make another trip. Solution is to ask them to ROTATE your file to fit inside the 36" limit, no problem. If you plan is bigger than 36" in both directions, you'll have to split it in two to fit. I had to do that with a large old timer file.
Doug Smith - 14/05/2022
Hello Outerzone; Please find attached my Ugly Stik [pic 021] built from your plans (oz6801). She recently had her maiden flight at out local patch here at “The Clearings” and she flew very nicely indeed. Powered by an OS.52 Surpass which I feel makes it slightly underpowered but that just adds to the charm of flying it as you have to think more about it’s speed going through manoeuvres, rather than just pushing the throttle stick open. In short, I love this model, it’s simple to operate on the field and a great flyer. Thanks again for a great site.
John Green - 19/05/2022
For me in the top 5 of best model airplanes ever! Easy to build, I made a mold to build my hulls in epoxy resin, this is even faster, but I still prefer a wooden original hull. I fly it with a 6.5 cc OS fsr abc , I used to use the Wankel engine but it was not as good as the 2T 6.5 cc.
Good luck!
Julien Vermeire - 12/07/2022
Hi - please see attached an image of my Das Ugly Stik [pics022], which was the result of the build series mentioned already above.
Mark Robinson - 19/01/2023
ElectroStick in PT-19 color scheme [pics 023-028]. Waiting for warmer weather to maiden.
Ralph Gale - 18/04/2023
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  • Plan File Filesize: 1679KB Filename: Das_Ugly_Stik_RCM-939_oz6801_.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 3781KB Filename: Das_Ugly_Stik_RCM-939_oz6801_article.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 1197KB Filename: Das_Ugly_Stik_RCM-939_oz6801_previous.pdf
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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