Samurai (oz6758)
About this Plan
Samurai. Radio control sport pattern model, for .40 size engines.
Quote: "A deliberate break from the current trend of sleek, look-alike pattern ships, the Samurai is the result of stretching the famous Japanese Zero. The attention it will receive on the ground will be exceeded only by the admiration for its outstanding flight characteristics.
The current trend in pattern aircraft has been toward sleek looking designs that exhibit excellent flight characteristics. Unfortunately, most of these designs do not resemble any known full scale aircraft; on the other hand, most scale World War II vintage fighter designs do not lend themselves well to 'Sunday Flier' type of use with regard to ideal flight qualities.
The Samurai was conceived and designed in an effort to combine the best of both of these worlds and result in a sport pattern aircraft that would fly with pattern ship smoothness, be easy for the average Sunday flier to build and fly, and resemble a World War II fighter.
The Samurai was the result of stretching the famous Japanese Zero design (admittedly to the limit) to incorporate desirable flight producing dimensions. While the Samurai is certainly not even Stand-Off Scale material - it still retains the basic shape and lines of the Japanese Zero.
The Samurai is guaranteed to attract more spectator attention at the flying field than the usual 'all look-alike pattern ships' and the ugly box fuselage slab wing sport designs. The attention it garners on the ground will be retained when the Samurai becomes airborne as its flight performance is outstanding. It will easily perform every pattern maneuver; is as smooth and stable as a pattern ship, while not quite as fast; and lands like a trainer. It's been flown by experienced pattern pilots who confirm its flying qualities, but even more important, it has been easily flown by average sport type fliers with no difficulty.
If you're searching for a sport pattern aircraft with a World War II look, why not build a Samurai!
Construction. Fuselage: Cut out the two 3/16 sheet balsa fuselage sides (if 48 long stock is available in your area - you can avoid making the splice). Save the scrap pieces cut out over the stabilizer/ elevator area. Cut out the 1/4 in sheet balsa fuselage doublers. Glue the doublers to the fuselage sides. Cut out the fuselage firewall and formers (F-1, F-2, F-3. F-4, and F-5) from 1/4- ply or sheet balsa as indicated. Glue the firewall (F-1), F-2 and F-3 in place. (If you own a fuselage building jig, use it.) Be sure all formers are properly aligned..."
Update 12/10/2016: article pages, text & pics added, thanks to RFJ.
Update: Replaced this plan with a clearer copy (restored text, restored page gap) thanks to davidterrell80.
Supplementary file notes
Article pages, text & pics.
Previous scan version.
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by Bob Wallace
from RCMplans (ref:676)
February 1977
61in span
IC R/C LowWing
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Found online 23/06/2015 at:
Filesize: 280KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: RFJ, bullseye000, davidterrell80
Downloads: 1973
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- Samurai (oz6758)
- Plan File Filesize: 280KB Filename: Samurai_RCM-676_oz6758.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 2530KB Filename: Samurai_RCM-676_oz6758_article.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 650KB Filename: Samurai_RCM-676_oz6758_previous.pdf
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* Credit field
The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.
This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.
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