Crusader (oz6249)


Crusader (oz6249) by Hal Debolt 1959 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Crusader. Radio control sport model. Low-wing design, for .35 power. K&B Torp 35 with RC throttle shown.

Quote: "Here are all the whys and hows of low-wing flying. DeBolt gives the low down (pun) on what's best; read this informative report! Crusader, by Hal deBolt.

In presenting the 'Crusader' I would like to do so in more of an informative way rather than as a strictly constructive article. Space is limited and there is so much that can be gotten from this model that it seems foolish to linger overly long on construction when so few that may be building one will actually need such information.

Some 4 years ago George Swank and I decided that the time was right when we could come close to duplicating control line stunt maneuvers with R/C models. We embarked upon an extensive evaluation project which took us through most every sort of model configuration. To make a long story short we found that the low wing design seemed to offer the best possibilities for top inverted per-formance. The reasoning being that when a low wing is inverted it is in effect a 'high wing' and except for the dihedral effect it should have the highly desirable stability inherent with a high wing.

The results found at that time indicated that it would be imperative to use a low wing IF we were to fly inverted equally as well as upright. The project was shelved at that point simply because it became increasing important to spend more of the available time trying to solve the intricacies (at that time) of the then new multi-control systems. Also, the advantage would have been relatively small since the rules then would not have credited us for our inverted flying.

About a year ago an old friend of ours, Fred Dunn, startled the R/C world with reports of the fabulous performance from his low wing design. These reports ig-nited the old spark and I decided to have another look at the low wing using a more modern aproach.

A lot of consideration was put into this first design and the Crusader was built as a strictly experimental model to evaluate these design features and to provide an opportunity to try out some ideas for use with low wing types which seemed to have merit. Now the project has been completed and I am pleased to say that it can be considered to be very successful, hence I feel that many others can get some good from these results.

In general the basic aim of the Crusader design was to obtain the ultimate in inverted flying ability and still have a model which could be flown without excessive difficulty. It was felt that the model should be able to perform all up-right maneuvers while inverted if the aim was to be achieved. To this end..."

Update 01/02/2019: Added article, thanks to RFJ.

Supplementary file notes

Same plan, but on single sheet 24in x 95in.


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Crusader (oz6249) by Hal Debolt 1959 - model pic


Crusader (oz6249) by Hal Debolt 1959 - pic 003.jpg
Crusader (oz6249) by Hal Debolt 1959 - pic 004.jpg
Crusader (oz6249) by Hal Debolt 1959 - pic 005.jpg
Crusader (oz6249) by Hal Debolt 1959 - pic 006.jpg
Crusader (oz6249) by Hal Debolt 1959 - pic 007.jpg
Crusader (oz6249) by Hal Debolt 1959 - pic 008.jpg
Crusader (oz6249) by Hal Debolt 1959 - pic 009.jpg
Crusader (oz6249) by Hal Debolt 1959 - pic 010.jpg

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User comments

Hello, Herewith a colour picture of "Pappy" DeBolt getting ready to fly his Crusader [main pic]. The photo was taken in 1958 by John Worth. Thanks again for all the good work you do with the Outerzone. Best modelling regards,
JMP_blackfoot - 15/04/2022
Hello, One more 1958 picture from John Worth. Pappy DeBolt letting his Crusader loose for take-off [pic 008]. Best modelling regards,
JMP_blackfoot - 18/04/2022
Hello, Here is the earliest picture [pic 009] and comments I found of this interesting model, from American Modeler, August 1958 issue. Best modelling regards as always.
JMP_blackfoot - 25/04/2022
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  • Crusader (oz6249)
  • Plan File Filesize: 769KB Filename: Crusader_Debolt_66in_oz6249.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 793KB Filename: Crusader_Debolt_66in_oz6249_alternate_uncle_willie.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 4643KB Filename: Crusader_Debolt_66in_oz6249_article.pdf
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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