Whing Ding II (oz6223)
About this Plan
Whing Ding II. Radio control scale model.
Quote: "A stand-off scale model of the ultra-light home built biplane. The original full size has a span of 17 feet against our model's span of 42 inches. Powered by a Tee Dee .049. By Paul Denson.
Robert W Hovey's thoughts of building the 'Ultra Light' were brought on by the advent of the McCulloch 101A. This jewel of an engine inspired the WD-II design. The WD-II had a single wheel like a glider, but didn't work out too well After analysis and design changes, the WD-I1 was contructed in a four month period and the first flight was made at Mojave, California, in February 1971.
Roll control is done with wing warping, however, the WD-II is so stable, some people turn with rudder only. If, after construction of the model, you desire to build the full size version, plans are available for $15.00 and an information packet for $2.00 from Aircraft Specialties, PO Box 1074H, Canyon Country, California 91351.
The original WD-II is advertised as an Ultra Light Biplane, ultra simple, ultra low cost, and ultra fun. The plane weighs 118 lbs, is powered by a 12 HP McCulloch engine and has a wing span of 17 feet. It is designed for 50 mph with a fuel capacity of 1/2 gallon which keeps it in the air for 15 minutes.
The three-views were found in the library of the Aerospace Museum in San Diego and I thought what an unique model this would make. The flight picture included with the three-view showed the sun shining through the wing so that all spars, diagonals, and ribs showed, which made me decide then and there nothing else but silkspan would do for the wing covering.
It was my intention to keep the plane as near scale as was practical without making the construction too difficult. This decision nearly ended the project on the first flight. The stab is full flying with 1/3 forward of the hinge line and 2/3 behind. The smallest movement available with the servos used would probably have been enough for the full size plane. Needless to say it was way too much for the model. After an uneventful hand launch, it flew well until the first stab correction was necessary then it went wild. Every time I touched the stick it was too much and it looked as if it was locked to the tracks of a roller coaster. The ensuing touchdown - if that is what you want to call it - wasn't too bad, but it did indicate that the boom had to be much stronger and the stab had to be changed. I put the stab in zero degrees position and epoxied the hinge line then cut off the rear 1 in of the stab, hinged it and added the horn - this turned out almost perfect.
In the plans stage, I thought about using aluminum tubing for the boom; this turned out to be unavailable so a built-up boom was tried. It consisted of two layers of 1/32 in balsa wrapped with cloth and the whole thing given two coats of epoxy. The tubing was formed around a 3/8 dowel baked dry in the oven, then another tube formed around that, then baked dry. The two tubes were cemented together then wrapped with the cloth strip and given the two coats of epoxy. This was just great until I tried to get the two outer Gold-N-Rods down the tube - they just wouldn't go. I contact cemented two turns of a sandpaper strip on the end of the 3/8 dowel and reamed out the center of my fabrication - this was just enough to let the Gold-N-Rods pass through. This boom shattered in three places on the first flight. I turned to the expert on gliders and hang gliders, Mark Smith of Windward and Windfree fame, and he came up with a piece of aluminum tubing from one of his old hang gliders which fit the bill just perfectly. It was 1/2 in OD seamless aluminum tubing 6061 T-6 and is not much heavier than the built-up boom, but much more rigid.
I cannot claim credit for designing the bucket seat; I read about the idea in some literature quite some time ago. Ask you pharmacist to save the proper size pill bottle for you. Since I teach chemistry, all I had to do was look up and down the chemical shelf, pick out the right size plastic bottle, and transfer the contents to a glass jar, and I had my bucket seat. I hope no one looks for the Paradichlorobenzene! You can outline your seat with black rubber tubing and secure it with Hot Stuff.
The rigging is not only nice to look at, but it is functional. If you tighten the turnbuckles just right you can take out wash-out or wash-in and, furthermore, it keeps the wings attached to the fuselage. The #1 turnbuckles are available from Proctor Enterprises. All brass fittings are made from .005". shim stock available in the K & S rack in your hobby shop..."
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Article pages, text and pics, thanks to hlsat.
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Whing Ding II
by Paul Denson
from RCMplans (ref:731)
July 1978
42in span
Scale IC R/C Biplane Pusher
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 28/12/2014
Filesize: 448KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: DavePentland
Downloads: 4369
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- Whing Ding II (oz6223)
- Plan File Filesize: 448KB Filename: Whing_Ding_II_oz6223.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 1186KB Filename: Whing_Ding_II_oz6223_article.pdf
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