North American P-51D Mustang (oz546)


North American P-51D Mustang (oz546) by Earl Stahl 1946 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

North American P-51D Mustang. Rubber scale model WWI fighter, by Earl Stahl.

Quote: "POSSESSORS of some of the most brilliant fighting records of the war, the P-51 Mustangs blazed a trail of destructive glory through enemy skies. Particular favorites of Allied airmen, they were feared and respected by the Germans and Japanese.

Attaining greatest acclaim as long-range fighters, squadrons of Mustangs became familiar sights over Berlin and Tokyo as well as other remote targets. Used in great numbers, first as escorts for the heavy bombers, when they were making deep penetrations into enemy territory, these aerial terrors werelater used tactically in offenses against ground installations, such as supply dumps and transportation facilities. When flying protection for the bombers, range was increased by carrying fuel in external tanks beneath the wings, and the normal armament consisted of six .50-caliber machine guns. For sweeps against ground targets, rockets and bombs were mounted beneath the wings. All in all, the ships packed a deadly wallop regardless of the mission for which they were outfitted.

Before the United States entry into the war, the Mustang was conceived by North American Aviation in response to Britain's cry for a high performance fighter. The plane that resulted proved so satisfactory that it was adopted by our Army as one of our top fighters. The original P-51 was powered by an Allison engine for fighting at low altitudes, but it was not until the Packard-built Rolls Royce engine was used that the high-altitude, long-range performance of the present-day ship was attained. Actually, the Mustangs that saw service in the closing days of the war were a far cry from the original. Aside from the changes in fighting equipment that developed through experience and the changing trends of the war, lines were altered by the new engine, the bubble canopy and the dorsal fin - only the high speed NACA laminar-flow wing and the horizontal tail appear unchanged.

Our model is of the latest Mustang, and while emphasis has been placed on flying ability, it is accurately reproduced in line, thus making an unusually attractive display project. Perhaps a glance at the drawings and photos may give the impression that building is difficult, but the opposite is true, for no complicated structures or methods are employed and even the catchy-looking bubble canopy is made quite easily.

Experience has demonstrated that low-wing models can be made to fly well and the P-51 Mustang is no exception. Aerodynamic proportions have been worked out carefully and so if the structural weight is not allowed to become excessive, long, stable flights can be expected.

Before starting to build, study the drawings and text to get a complete mental picture of each problem. Proceed then with care and the reward will be a neat-appearing, fine-flying miniature.

In selecting materials for your model, obtain the best possible. Balsa wood, which comprises most of the structure, should be light, firm stock. Regular colorless model airplane cement is used to join the members.

To build a full-size model, it will be necessary to enlarge the drawings to twice the printed size. This will enable construction to be done directly atop the plans, which is the best and easiest way. However, a model of the size shown may be made without altering the prints; unfortunately though, small models do not fly as well as their bigger brothers, so we must recommend the latter.

The fuselage is usually a good item to start with, so let's get under way. The type of construction used in this ship calls for sheet balsa formers mounted on four sheet balsa keels; stringers to give the proper shape are thin balsa strips. This method of building is most practical since it is both easy and strong. First cut the four keels and numerous formers (note that two of each are required) from 1/16 thick medium grade balsa. To assemble these parts, pin the top and bottom keels right over the plan, then cement half the formers and one side keel to place. Next lift this frame from the plan and add the remaining formers and keel..."

Update 11/10/2023: Have rescaled this plan to correct fullsize at wingspan 26 in, thanks to Mike Hollamby.

Supplementary file notes

Article pages, thanks to GTHunter.
Previous scan version.


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North American P-51D Mustang (oz546) by Earl Stahl 1946 - model pic


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North American P-51D Mustang (oz546) by Earl Stahl 1946 - pic 003.jpg
North American P-51D Mustang (oz546) by Earl Stahl 1946 - pic 004.jpg
North American P-51D Mustang (oz546) by Earl Stahl 1946 - pic 005.jpg
North American P-51D Mustang (oz546) by Earl Stahl 1946 - pic 006.jpg
North American P-51D Mustang (oz546) by Earl Stahl 1946 - pic 007.jpg
North American P-51D Mustang (oz546) by Earl Stahl 1946 - pic 008.jpg
North American P-51D Mustang (oz546) by Earl Stahl 1946 - pic 009.jpg

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User comments

Hi Mary, hi Steve, I built this P-51D in 1:10 scale (44" span) from enlarged Earl Stahl plans [main pic, 007]. You can find a build thread at
If you like, you could add the attached pictures to your site. Best regards,
RonaldL - 08/09/2020
Too much time in a virus lockdown so built first model in 40 years [pics 008,009]. Scaled it to 1/24. Fuselage has a nice mustang shape - long curved nose and deep radiator belly. With a wood/soda bottle 4 blade prop balance comes out near perfect with no extra weight. Wing foils 8 & 9 are the same so draw your own. Made the belly keel continuous over the wing matching the centre foil shape for more strength. The wing spar centre joint technique as shown is suspect. I butt joined and splint glued. Great website - thanks,
Steve Crabtree - 28/09/2020
Hi there, is the scaling correct on this one? I have just had my local copy shop print it out and it came out at 30" wingspan
Mike Hollamby - 11/10/2023
Yes, your scaling is correct. I just measured the span from the PDF file, using the "measure" feature in Foxit Reader and it equals 30". It's always best to check the scaling when getting something printed, because they frequently do it wrong. I've had it happen several times, usually when the plan size exceeds the 36" capacity of the printer. You have to take a tape measure with you to check. Ask me how I know.
Doug Smith - 11/10/2023
Ah, I am just looking at this now. Looks like this plan is not correct. The wingspan is 30 inches - and this is how the plan was posted originally, back in 2011 on RCGroups (see Datafile). So your printing of the PDF was correct (in relation to the PDF), but the PDF itself was incorrect to start with. Checking the dimensions now of the 1/2 inch squares around the fuse formers, these are too large. It's out by 15.63 (measured) to 13.5 (stated) if you see what I mean. Hang on a bit.
SteveWMD - 11/10/2023
Yes, using those numbers, that comes out now to a correct wingspan of 25.96 inches. Have replaced this planfile now. Thanks for spotting this.
SteveWMD - 11/10/2023
Can confirm that this plan scales out at the right size now, suppose I had better build it now!!
Mike Hollamby - 13/10/2023
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  • North American P-51D Mustang (oz546)
  • Plan File Filesize: 506KB Filename: P-51D_Mustang_Stahl_oz546_.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 228KB Filename: P-51D_Mustang_Stahl_oz546_article.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 688KB Filename: P-51D_Mustang_Stahl_oz546_previous.pdf
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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