Hot-Shot (oz4996)


Hot-Shot (oz4996) by Dick Holloway 1948 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Hotshot. Class D towline glider model.

Quote: "A sailplane designed for top performance in the winds of Kansas. Hot Shot, by Dick Holloway.

HERE is a model sailplane (not a glider) designed to combine beauty and efficiency. This plane was designed and built well over a year ago and is still going strong, a fact which speaks for itself in windy Kansas.

The first meet in which the ship was entered was the 1946 Nationals. In two test flights in the early morning the ship hopped thermals twice for flights of almost 9 min 6 sec duration. During the mild cyclone which arose later, one wing panel was demolished when the ship cracked a spectator across the shins. The plane was rebuilt and has been found capable of many fine flights under any conditions.

Construction is conventional throughout. Start with the fuselage, which is the only part that offers any difficulty. The two fuselage sides are built one over the other to assure identity. When dry, these are joined by 1/8 in square crosspieces which are beveled on the ends to allow the fuselage to assume its trapezoidal crossection. Start inserting the crosspieces at the center of the fuselage, working first toward the tail, then the nose of the plane. Keep the work aligned at all times.

When the skeleton framework is dry, add the 1/16 in balsa sheet bulkheads and make the space between bulkheads 1 and 2 into a ballast box. Be sure to glue in two each of bulkheads 3T and 6T. Add the desired number of 3/32 in square hard balsa stringers, spacing them evenly around the fuselage in notches cut for them. The original model has 22 full length stringers. Scallop the bulkheads so they will not touch the covering.

Next, glue the noseblook, rudder and sub-rudder in place and sand all parts until a smooth covering is assured. Cut the elevator slot in the rudder base and glue in the elevator platform. To complete the fuselage, add the three iron wire (paper clip wire is fine) tow-hooks at the points shown on plans.

The wing is of simple construction and should present no difficulties. A flat centersection combined with tip dihedral of 5 in produces excellent results. Be sure to make the dihedral joints very strong. The centersection of the wing is covered with 1/16 in sheet balsa..."

Quote: "Here's a swoopy free flight glider called the Hot Shot, designed by Dick Holloway. Appeared in January 1948 Model Airplane News. I've scanned the plan and article. For those of you who think in metric dimensions, there is another version of this plan over at Hip Pocket Aeronautics. It appears in Aeromodellismo number 13, which can be found in the 'Plans from Books and Magazines' in their Builder's Gallery. I think that, if enlarged, this might make an enjoyable RC sailplane. "

Supplementary file notes

Article pages, text and pic.


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Hot-Shot (oz4996) by Dick Holloway 1948 - model pic

  • (oz4996)
    by Dick Holloway
    from Model Airplane News
    January 1948 
    60in span
    Glider F/F
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 01/11/2013
    Filesize: 296KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: lincoln
    Downloads: 3012

Hot-Shot (oz4996) by Dick Holloway 1948 - pic 003.jpg
Hot-Shot (oz4996) by Dick Holloway 1948 - pic 004.jpg
Hot-Shot (oz4996) by Dick Holloway 1948 - pic 005.jpg
Hot-Shot (oz4996) by Dick Holloway 1948 - pic 006.jpg
Hot-Shot (oz4996) by Dick Holloway 1948 - pic 007.jpg
Hot-Shot (oz4996) by Dick Holloway 1948 - pic 008.jpg

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User comments

I have completed another subject, from your magnificent portfolio. I chose Richard Holloway's "Hotshot", first built in 1946, and published in Model Airplane News Jan 1948. I chose to build it at 150% scale, and only modified for 2 channel radio control, with full flying elevator, and rudder, for steering. I have built interchangeable nose cowls, one conventional, and one with electric motor installed [main pic & 003-008]. It has now been tested and has proved well worth the effort and time it took to construct. It has pleasing capable flight characteristics, and proved itself a real Soaring Machine, easily climbing in the early morning lift. I am truly grateful you have preserved so many flying works of art.
Larry Jolly - 03/05/2023
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  • Hot-Shot (oz4996)
  • Plan File Filesize: 296KB Filename: Hot-Shot_60in_glider_MAN_48_oz4996.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 386KB Filename: Hot-Shot_60in_glider_MAN_48_oz4996_article.pdf
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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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