A-10 Thunderbolt (oz4819)


A-10 Thunderbolt (oz4819) by John Kidd 1992 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II. Sport scale model twin for 2x Cox Tee Dee .049 or .051 engines.

Quote: "Featuring a box fuselage and simple built-up wings, this model of the A-10 Warthog is extremely affordable, easy to construct and easy to fly. Power is provided by two Cox TD engines (housed in two-litre soda bottles) turning 5x3 propellors that have been cut down to 4in diameter. Unlike many twins, this model will fly stably with one engine out.

This being my first attempt at designing and scratch-building, I knew I really had an education ahead of me. First, I had to gather as much information about the Fairchild A-10 (Warthog) Thunderbolt II as I could. A trip over to New Orleans to some of the bigger hobby shops seemed in order.

After picking out the appropriate Squadron/ Signal publication, plastic models and some other information, I asked about the feasibility
of such a project. With a quick glance - Sounds ambitious - was all the man said! Talk about lack of enthusiasm! The mission was obvious: this plane had to be built! And even when the prototype was being built, the low snickers from the 'experts' showed their disbelief. Nevertheless, the plane was built and won fourth place in the Model Airplane News 2nd Annual Design Contest. So there! The moral of the story? No matter how many unenthusiastic, disbelieving 'experts' come your way, press on! Believe!

BUILDING THE A-10. One of the first obstacles was choosing the engines. I knew I wanted a small, light, simple model. The economics of building a full-blown, two-fan, twin-engine, snarling, fully loaded A-10 with retracts and flaps made it out of the question. We had just had a new addition to the family, and though my wife is patient and understanding, she isn't crazy. It became apparent that one of the Cox * TeeDee series would be the best choice for this application. Fora small, light, inexpensive means of propulsion, the Cox TeeDee engines are hard to beat.

The next apparent problem was the construction of the 'jet' housings. At first, I experimented with large beer cans. These proved to be heavier than I had imagined and, after a few tests, they were dented and worn. I tried rolling my own balsa, but it was too fragile. I needed something more flexible and durable. Have you ever noticed that if you turn a two-liter soda bottle on its side, it looks like a jet engine housing? Was that the answer? With a little reinforcement. I thought it might work. And besides, if it wears out, the supply of replacements is almost endless. After these problems had been worked out, I really got serious.

The A-10 is extremely easy to build. Its fuselage is a 'box' construction with an angle here and there. The wing is built in three parts using a typical balsa construction.

Before you start, there are a few things to consider. Use the lightest balsa possible. I took the time to weigh two 'identical' pieces of balsa. One piece was lighter in color, had less grain and weighed 35 grams; another was darker, had more grain and weighed 72 grams! It's imperative that you use light balsa - especially on the fuselage sides and wing ribs. The target weight, with engines and radio installed, is 2-1/2 pounds. The lighter, the better. Now, let's get specific.

The Wing. The wing is built in three segments, and you start with the center one. Begin by laying down the 1/4-inch square spruce spar and the
1/4 x 1/8-inch balsa brace. Cut out and position the bottom sheeting, and glue it to the spars. (The entire aircraft is constructed using CA glue.) Position the trailing edge, and glue it to the bottom sheeting. When making your center wing ribs, use the "'stack-and-cut' method..."

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 16/06/2017: added article, thanks to spitfireflyby.

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A-10 Thunderbolt (oz4819) by John Kidd 1992 - model pic

  • (oz4819)
    A-10 Thunderbolt
    by John Kidd
    from Model Airplane News
    August 1992 
    56in span
    Scale IC R/C LowWing Military
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 10/02/2014
    Filesize: 846KB
    Credit*: JJ
    Downloads: 9005

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    ScaleType: This (oz4819) is a scale plan. Where possible we link scale plans to Wikipedia, using a text string called ScaleType.

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    ScaleType is formed from the last part of the Wikipedia page address, which here is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairchild_Republic_A-10_Thunderbolt_II
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A-10 Thunderbolt (oz4819) by John Kidd 1992 - pic 003.jpg

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User comments

Hi there, great site! I found a photo of the A-10 [model photo].
RichL - 13/06/2017
Would make an excellent electric project.
Daniel Burke - 21/07/2020
Why in the world isn’t the whole fuselage shown in one section? Why is it so crowded and impossible to read? Did the author have something against using excess paper?
Lukas - 19/08/2024
Plans in magazines are often congested like that to fit within the dimensions of the magazine.
Madhukar - 19/08/2024
This is not so bad. For congestion, you should check out the MRA plans. See for example Requin (oz14023), or even Bouzine (oz4953).
SteveWMD - 19/08/2024
Old MRA plan design, this is the french touch :)
Especially during the Second War and after, with shortages of ink and paper...
Valentin Fauchère - 19/08/2024
Absolutely! MRA plans are confined to a few pages and overprinted where possible!
One only has to look at plans from MRA in RC Library https://rclibrary.co.uk/title_details.asp?ID=2681 to realise that after WW2 paper and ink were indeed in short supply so thanks to the ingenuity of the publishers and the model designers and Outerzone for preserving the plans for us over the years.
And of course thanks to the people that take the time to scan and upload such great material
* Danny M2Z *
Danny M2Z - 20/08/2024
That reminds me, I have a 1967 MRA (special coupe d'hiver 1967) , with plans for three gliders. I'll have to get them digitized sometime. And if this magazine isn't referenced and scanned on Rclibrary I'll gladly take care of it.
Valentin Fauchère - 20/08/2024
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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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