Griffon (oz4769)


Griffon (oz4769) by Dave Platt 1958 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Griffon. Control line sport-stunt model.

Quote: "THIS small stunt model was built to suit the AM 15 with the idea of trying to find out if the new schedule (ie the square manoeuvres) could be produced with this motor volume, and, even more interesting, with a diesel at that.

During the design work some things outside the normal run of stunt practice had to be considered due to the small size of the motor. Number one was that the flying speed would be unavoidably high. Although theoretically the 100 bhp litre AM 15 could power a 260 sq in, 36 in span model, we think the windy weather performance would not be special. So, for this occasion, we settled for 210 sq in and 32 in span. One of these days we'll enjoy making the larger model for those rare, calm days, and anticipate really good performance.

The first change made was to omit the flaps and limit elevator movement to 40 deg each way. In flight this movement is not used to the full but could, perhaps, be handy.

The other unusual thing is that wings are symmetrical, the size being too small to give any noticeable difference in lift between the two panels. We could have offset the wing 1/4 in, but we didn't bother and our guess is that you won't either.

Anyhow, the upshot was that the model most certainly will do all of the current acrobatic schedule. The speed of about 60 mph on 45 ft lines makes it a wild ride at first, but when you get used to it, flying this little 'bomb' is immense fun. Just take things easy at first and you'll have a model you can bring out in a fairly stiff wind when the bigger, slower models are a little trying on the nervous system!"

Quote: "Hi Steve, Griffon - Dave Platt’s 1.5 cc C/L stunter from Model Aircraft October 1958".

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 9/1/2025: Replaced this plan with a clearer copy, thanks to HJvanTol. This is a redrawn plan in vectorPDF format, showing all ribs and formers. For the old plan (low res) showing the drawing as printed in the magazine, see supplement 'previous' file.

Supplementary file notes

Previous scan version.


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Griffon (oz4769) by Dave Platt 1958 - model pic

  • (oz4769)
    by Dave Platt
    from Model Aircraft
    October 1958 
    32in span
    IC C/L LowWing
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 20/08/2013
    Filesize: 342KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap • PDFvector
    Credit*: Stormin, HJvanTol
    Downloads: 2914

Griffon (oz4769) by Dave Platt 1958 - pic 003.jpg
Griffon (oz4769) by Dave Platt 1958 - pic 004.jpg
Griffon (oz4769) by Dave Platt 1958 - pic 005.jpg
Griffon (oz4769) by Dave Platt 1958 - pic 006.jpg

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User comments

Dave Platt did all the things right that he didn't do on the Marvin. Got rid of the wing flaps, too much drag, increased the wing section, blunted the leading edge, brought the wing closer to the thrust line. Just made a great small stunt model.
Bob Taylor - 08/08/2020
I built two of Dave Platt's Griffons as a teenager some 50 years ago. 12 months ago I got back into control line and decided to make a scaled up version of the Griffon (140%) to use an OS 25LA and added flaps. As with my original Griffons (built as per the plan) the larger version flies very well on 60 feet of line. My enlarged version is shown above in the photos [model photo, more pics 4&5].
John Lewis - 13/09/2021
Attached is a 1961 photo of my Griffon, powered by an Enya 15D [pic 007]. My favourite model ever. After looking at my faded and tattered plans my grandson found your site.
Godfrey Larsen - 24/10/2024
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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