Stomper (oz4653)
About this Plan
Stomper. Free flight power contest design. 48in span, 330 sq in area, 10oz weight.
Quote: "An easy to build, easy to fly contest design, for the 1.5's. Stomper, by George Fuller.
WHEN George Fuller builds a contest model, the main points he considers are:
(1) Simplicity
(2) Cheapness
(3) Ease of Trimming
Stomper was therefore designed with the three factors in mind. Three Stompers were built in 1952. All have proved to be good flyers and they were placed high in three out of the five contests entered: 3rd Croydon Gala. 3rd West Essex Gala. 1st South Midland Gala.
As a good example of 'quickie' construction it is an ideal model for the beginner, and will take any engine of 1 cc - 1.5 cc.
Construction. Draw plan of Fuselage on 1/16 sheet balsa then pin down to flat board. Add 1/2 x 1/8 in longerons and spacers. Cement in the 1/4 in sheet thoroughly and add engine bearers. When dry, remove pins. Do not remove from board but add other 1/16 sheet side. Then remove from board, trim off surplus balsa and sandpaper well. Cover with Light-weight Modelspan and give two coats of clear dope plus one of Banana oil.
Wing mounts can then be added, well cemented and pinned to the friae-lage, then reinforced with cotton gauze for extra strength. Drill holes and add 1/8 in wing and tail fixing dowels. Then cement the tail mounts in place, making sure they are tilted up on starboard side.
Tailplane is quite straightforward and no difficulty should arise. Utmost care must be taken to see that there are no warps (to prevent this, add a few drops of castor oil to the dope)..."
This is a modern redrawn plan in PDFvector format.
Direct submission to Outerzone.
Update 20/5/2024: Replaced this planfile with a re-scaled version, thanks to HJvanTol.
Supplementary file notes
Article pages as printed.
Previous scan version.
CAD file
This plan is available for download in CAD format.
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by George Fuller
from Aeromodeller
February 1953
48in span
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 27/07/2013
Filesize: 795KB
Format: • PDFvector • CADfile
Credit*: hogal, HJvanTol
Downloads: 2788
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User comments
I think the scale of this plan is significantly incorrect, I built my Stomper from a redrawn Aeromodeller plan, which I checked against an original plan bought in the 1970s. The wingspan as measured flat on the plan is 52 inches; the projected span is 48 inches. A friend built his Stomper form the Outerzone plan printed at 100%. When we compared models, we found that the projected span of his was four inches less than mine. (Both fly fine, by the way - he beat me last time we flew against each other!) I wrote an article about this, which was published in the March 2024 edition of Free Flight Down Under.Everyone in Australian free flight appreciates Outerzone - keep up the good work!
Martin Williams
AUS 20702
Martin Williams - 20/05/2024
Checking this, I think you're right. This plan here is scaled to 48 in flat, as opposed to 48 in projected. I can't fix this, as editing vector format plans is beyond me. Is anyone out there able to edit this file and re-scale it? I assume the wood sizes will be unchanged.
SteveWMD - 20/05/2024
Simple bit of number crunching to rescale flat half spans to 26"
Circlip - 20/05/2024
hmmm. Can you edit and rescale the vector-format file, using this simple bit of number crunching?
SteveWMD - 20/05/2024
Ok, done now, with many thanks to HJvanTol. See update.
SteveWMD - 20/05/2024
PDF to Jpeg and rescale?
Circlip - 21/05/2024
Ah, I see, yes. I'm always trying to avoid losing the vector-ness of the file, though. If we have a file in vector format then it's very very much more useful for anyone wanting to do further editing, CAD work, plotting parts, making a laser cut file, etc. If we flatten it into what is essentially a bitmap wrapped up inside a PDF, then we have lost all those options from that point onwards. That's what I'm trying to avoid.
SteveWMD - 21/05/2024
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- Stomper (oz4653)
- Plan File Filesize: 795KB Filename: Stomper_48in_oz4653_.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 1327KB Filename: Stomper_48in_oz4653_article.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 134KB Filename: Stomper_48in_oz4653_previous.pdf
- CAD Zip Filesize: 292KB Filename:
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* Credit field
The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.
This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.
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