Fury VIII Screwball (oz4631)


Fury VIII Screwball (oz4631) by JS Luck 1948 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Fury Screwball VIII. Control line stunt model.

Quote: "THE FURY series of controliners have been in the process of development for quite a while now. They first appeared in a 1944 issue of MAN, another in the series was described in '46, This article covers the two latest models; Mark VII and VIII.

Designed in the light of most recent controline stunt practitce, they should meet the requirements of skilled flyers who demand a ship that can be relied upon to execute all the aerobatics in the book - smoothly, surely, and swiftly. But that is not all. The Fury clan has always attemptd to prove that ugliness of form is not a prerequisite of functional efficiency. These last are versions are no exception. They will demonstrate that a stunt job doesn't need to offend the eye with clumsy square wings and a generally misproportioned configuration. In fact the aerodynamic quafities of the cleaner looking, more streamlined Fury Screwball is at least up to, and more often exceeds that of the ugly ducklings.

On the matter of airfoils: it will be noted that the Screwball employs the NACA 23012 section. In these days, when nearly every super stunt ace advocates a symmetrical section, a lifting airfoil may seem to be a foolhardy departure. Well each to his own opinion. Those builders irrevocably wedded to the sect which beiieves a symmetrical airfoil is a must, may use one on the Screwball if it makes them really happy. All-round performance is almo as good. But to some of us, common-sense thought on the matter leaves no doubt as to which type of section will give better takeoffs, snappier loops, and easier, slower landings..."

Supplementary file notes

Article pages, text and pics, as posted here http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=21431359&postcount=377 thanks to perttime and LukeS.


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Fury VIII Screwball (oz4631) by JS Luck 1948 - model pic


Fury VIII Screwball (oz4631) by JS Luck 1948 - pic 003.jpg

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  • Fury VIII Screwball (oz4631)
  • Plan File Filesize: 385KB Filename: Fury_Screwball_VIII_oz4631.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 231KB Filename: Fury_Screwball_VIII_oz4631_article.pdf
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