Little Daddy (oz443)
About this Plan
Little Daddy. Wakefield model by George Perryman from November 1970 Model Airplane News.
Quote: "Different, yet simple,and strong, Little Daddy has set records in senior and junior classes along with a win at '69 Nats for the coveted Mulvihill Trophy. This is an Unlimited Rubber that can win for you; interesting propeller construction details included.
Many fine articles by well known modelers have been written during the past 50 years in which rubber powered models have been flown; names like Dick Korda, Chet Lanzo, Alvie Dague, Roy Wriston, Gordon Light, Jim Cahill, Frank Zaic, CS Rushbrook, Wally Simmers, Roy Nelder, Dick Everett, Fillon, and many more come to mind as advancing this art. Pardon this bit of nostalgia, but most of what each of us know, we learned from someone else. Our thanks to them, and those below. Present day experts such as Bilgri, Boyle, Xenakis, Andrade, Cole, Reich, Heeb, Downs, Cartwright, MacDonald, Parmenter, O'Donnell, Wilder, Ritz, Hatschek, and a host of others are still actively engaged in trying to increase flying capability from seemingly simple twisted strands of elastic. Under our present rules, this primitive mode of power will still outfly nearly any class model, if properly done.
Little Daddy was designed with simple, strong structure, as my usual flying site is not an open meadow, but a country trash dump. This 'garden spot' to thrill the heart of any free fighter, comes complete with two lakes, tall pine trees, a country convict camp, dog pound, and mountains of refuse. Due to the frequency of my checking wetted area, the larger body of water is affectionately known as Perryman's Pond.
Little Daddy, flown by my son Steve, set a National Senior Record its first contest..."
Update 25/09/2017: added article, thanks to RFJ.
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Little Daddy
by George Perryman
from Model Airplane News
November 1970
51in span
Rubber F/F
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Found online 18/04/2011 at:
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Credit*: Planeman
Downloads: 1978
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- Little Daddy (oz443)
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