Baby Buzzard (oz4368)


Baby Buzzard (oz4368) by Brian Faulkner 1992 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Baby Buzzard. AO class towline glider.

Quote: "Build this A/0 class glider by Brian Faulkner and have some fun with hi-start. Baby Buzzard, by Brian Faulkner.

The A/0 class glider In 1991 John Wingate proposed a new small field glider competition, it was accepted by the Timperley committee and a club contest was arranged for the 8th of December. This fun event was inspired by the Thermic 36 (oz1700) designed by John Zaic, published in 'Model glider design' by Frank Zaic. The rules limited the total projected wing and tail area to 139.5 sq ins with a minimum weight of 2-1/2 ounces. Launches were to be made using a hi-start with 50 ft of thread and 10 feet of rubber.

Baby Buzzard was based on my A/1 and A/2 gliders but with a lower aspect ratio to give a centre section chord of 4 in with tapered tips to 3 in chord. A tailplane area of 24.75 sq in was chosen which is 22% of the wing projected area of 122.5 sq in. For stability the tail moment was 17.25 in giving a fuselage length of 26.375 in. With this geometry the centre of gravity was predicted to be at 55% of the wing chord from the leading edge. These basic proportions have been found satisfactory on my A/1 and A/2 gliders but I wondered if a small 30 in glider would be stable.

Flights trials. On a cold cloudy day with light drizzle initial hand glides seemed satisfactory. Some tests with the hi-start had shown on a small glider that 1/16 sq rubber was the ideal size. 1/8 taking the glider up too fast causing it to unhook prematurely and stall down' landing usually on its nose..."

Quote: "Hi, October 1992 AEROMODELLER ....BABY BUZZARD by BRIAN FAULKNER. This is a very nice A/O class Hi-Start or Tow Line glider. It features an Auto Rudder and D/T and on it’s first contest flight hooker a thermal and drifted away gaining height all the time."

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Baby Buzzard (oz4368) by Brian Faulkner 1992 - model pic


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