Jader 60 (oz3904)
About this Plan
Jader 60. Towline glider contest model.
Quote: "An all-purpose contest glider with a pedigree. Jader 60 by Don Butler.
GETTING tired of building Fugitives (oz5601) Don Butler decided it was about time he got down to a relatively simple design that would give a good account of itself under average British weather conditions.
That the 'Jader 60' loses nothing by its simplicity is, we think, proved by its wins at the 1951 Lasham, West Essex, Old Sarum and Northern Heights Galas, all with maximum or near maximum flights. These successes were achieved by various members of the Surbiton Club.
An A/2 version with a NACA 6412 section, 26-1/2 x 5 in tailplane and heavier construction, has also done well and placed sixth in the 1951 A/2 finals. The average lightweight version scales around 9 oz, but the heavier they are, within reasonable limits, the better they seem to go.
The Jader continued its long line of 1951 wins into this seasons activities with a well-earned first place in the open Glider event at the Croydon Gala, Easter. Although not strictly a Jader as presented here, the winning model, known as 'Goolite', is a late development of the Jader with squared-up appearance. All who have enjoyed the high performance of the Fugitive will be sure not to miss this opportunity of building its worthy successor.
Trimming. Add nose weight in the form of lead shot, until the job balances on the rear spar; this should give a fairly pronounced stall when in straight flight. Now try a tow on about 100 ft of line, using the rear hook, and observe the flight. If the turn is tight enough, this should be sufficient to counter the stall; if not, either tighten the turn or add a small amount of nose weight. Get the job as near the stall as possible without actually doing so, and also circling as tightly as possible consistent with safety, remembering that a thermal usually tightens the turn considerably.
The amount of auto rudder used can be decreased by inserting small pieces of 1/16 in sq in the slot for the auto rudder rods.
When correctly trimmed, flights of 3 to 4 mins can be expected from a 328 ft line under calm evening conditions. Notice, and here we quote Butler - I do not mention 'still air', as I've come to the conclusion there is no such animal, at any rate, on Epsom Downs.
Complete building instructions are issued with each full size copy of the scale plan opposite, which is obtainable price 6/- post free from APS.".
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Jader 60
by Don Butler
from Aeromodeller
June 1952
58in span
Glider F/F
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 17/01/2013
Filesize: 148KB
Format: • PDFvector • CADfile
Credit*: hogal
Downloads: 2882
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- Jader 60 (oz3904)
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- Supplement Filesize: 1329KB Filename: Jader_60_BW_vector_oz3904_article.pdf
- CAD Zip Filesize: 369KB Filename: Jader_60_BW_vector_oz3904_cad.zip
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