Arsenal Delanne 10 (oz3500)


Arsenal Delanne 10 (oz3500) by NP Harrison 1965 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Arsenal Delanne 10. Profile scale model for .020 engines.

A note on spelling: this plan was originally printed and published back in 1965 using the unusual spelling of 'Delenne', rather than the correct 'Delanne'. Here at Outerzone, we have now listed this plan under the correct spelling, to make searching easier.

Update 27/11/2022: Replaced this plan with a cleaner copy, also added article, thanks to theshadow.

Quote: "Full Size Plan! An unusual gull-wing 'tandem' profile model for .020 motors. Arsenal Delanne 10, by NP Harrison.

HERE is a simple little model that can be made in an evening and will give hours of flying fun. Its unusual gull wing and delta tailplane make it very distinctive in the air. The original model has been flying for over a year and has proved itself to be very tough. It will survive many knocks if the wing is cemented strongly.

Construction: The wing is cut from medium 1/8 sheet and should be cut 'flat' and sanded before cutting the breaks for the dihedral. The two dihedral keepers are of 1/16 ply. After strongly gluing the joints and packing the wing at its dihedral angle, scraps of bandage or nylon should be doped over the joints for strength. The tailplane is cut from 3 in wide sheet as shown on the plan and sanded to shape. Cut the slot for the dihedral keeper which is 1/16 ply, and glue securely and dope on bandage as before. The fins can then be cemented on to the tips.

The fuselage is also cut from 3 in wide sheet (medium 1/4 in) as shown on the plan. The cheek blocks should be roughly shaped and glued to the fuselage, final shaping is done by sanding when dry. The 1/8 hard balsa wing mount is then cemented into its slot. Holes for the wing and engine dowels are then drilled. The dowels and engine mounting plate (1/8 ply) must be very secure as the trim depends on them. Engine was held in place by rubber bands on the original and this method has proved very successful but, if it is preferred, the engine may be bolted on.

Finishing: The aileron, elevator, cockpit and radiator lines are marked on in with a ballpoint pen. French Air Force markings can be added if desired. Before painting, the model should be given two coats of dope or sanding sealer and rubbed down lightly with flour paper. The model can be camouflaged with dark green and khaki mottling with a pale blue undersurface.

Flying: Check that the CG is in the right place and that the surfaces are not warped. Test glide, giving a fairly fast launch. The glide should be flat and fast. When the glide is satisfactory, adjust the engine to low power and launch straight into wind. Increase power steadily if all is well. One peculiarity of the prototype was to fly level with the ground, after launching, then climb steeply until the excess speed was dissipated. It then entered a banked climbing circle.

Experiment with flight patterns, by changing the trim. By adding packing under the wing trailing edge it can be made to fly fast with very little climb. Lessening down-thrust will make it climb vertically, hanging on the prop. The prop I use is a Cox 4-1/2 x 2-1/2 in, but here again there is room for experiment.

One last word; don't fill the tank - this little 'plane can fly an awfully long way!"

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Arsenal Delanne 10 (oz3500) by NP Harrison 1965 - model pic


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Arsenal Delanne 10 (oz3500) by NP Harrison 1965 - pic 003.jpg

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