Luscombe Model 10 (oz3411)


Luscombe Model 10 (oz3411) by Earl Stahl 1946 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Luscombe Model 10. Rubber scale model.

Quote: "Build a flying scale model of this little sport plane that looks like a pursuit job. Luscombe Model 10, by Earl Stahl.

Recent months have shown a revival in investigating potentialities of single seat sport planes, but whether or not they are to take their place in popularity beside the two and more place civilian models is still a matter of speculation. In the late twenties and early thirties a number of one place planes were buzzing around airports. These included the Buhl Bull Pup, several types of Heaths, Corben Baby Ace and Super Ace, Knight Twister and numerous others. The mushrooming popularity of Cubs, Aeroncas and Taylorcrafts soon, however, shoved these craft into the background and not until now has new interest been shown in them.

Several manufacturers are again looking to one place planes and the result of their investigations of performance possibilities and market potentialities may result in assembly lines for their production. Luscombe's experimental single seater is one of the most promising to be shown to the public. Using a regular 65hp Continental engine, it is reported to have a cruising speed of more than 120 mph - and that is really something! A plane of this type would be especially desirable for cross-country piloting because it would provide rapid transportation at very low cost. This model 10 was fabricated largely from standard Silvaire parts which means that it surely inherits the durability and utility of this popular sport plane. How the little ship flies is not known for to our knowledge only the Luscombe test pilots have flown it, but if it bears the fine flight characteristics of the Silvaire it will be more than satisfactory for the author, who owned one of the latter and considers them tops.

As a model the Luscombe 10 provided one of the sharpest looking yet easiest built planes we have ever designed for Model Airplane News. No deviation from scale was required to adapt the proportions to a satisfactory flying model design. Build this little ship and you will have one that you will be proud to display and fly.

The drawings and text are for a rubber powered model, but by doubling the plans and altering the structure slightly to provide for the motor a fine control line model can be had. As usual we caution you to work carefully with the best materials because the finished product can be no better than the effort and raw materials put into it. Medium weight balsa is used throughout for the rubber model while a gas job should be fabricated with harder grade, particularly for spars and such. Regular colorless, quick-drying cement is used to assemble the various parts.

Since they are most simple, lets start with the tail surfaces. Join the drawings of the rudder and make a complete drawing of the stabilizer so assembly can be accomplished right over them. Incidentally, notice that the stabilizer is made in one piece: also that both units are of identical rib construction. Cut the outlines from 1/16 thick balsa and make the spars and ribs from 1/16 sq strips. When these structured are built, remove them from their jigs and cement strips of soft 1/16 sq to either side of each rib only. Then cut these overlaying strips to the streamline rib shape. This type of construction is the lightest and strongest we know for small models.

To start wing construction, make a right wing plan by tracing the left plan with carbon paper reversed. Cut ribs, spars and leading edges from materials specified. Assemble the parts over the plans, building the wing into two halves and leaving rib No. 1 off until the halves are assembled. Join the halves with 1-5/16 dihedral at each tip and then install rib No 1. Trim and sand the edges and tips to their proper shapes to complete the structure.

Since the landing gear is part of the wing unit, it should be made now. Bend the .040 music wire as shown to form a right and left strut. Bind and sew these right to the wing as illustrated, then cement the area for added strength. Wheels are made from laminations of sheet balsa and they should have bearings to permit them to revolve freely. Wheel pants and fairing struts are likewise laminations of sheet balsa. Note that centers of the pants are cut out for the wheels while centers of the struts are open to allow the wire struts to spring and thus absorb shock. Incidentally, don't attach these landing gear details until the wing has been covered.

For years we have been modeling monocoque fuselages in the manner described here. This method calls for the use of four sheet balsa keels to give the proper outline shape, bulkheads to form the crossection, and fairing stringers: it is both easy to accomplish and strong so we recommend it highly. Go about the construction in this manner: Trace top and bottom outlines of the side view as well as sides of the top view to get the shapes of the keels which are cut from 1/16 sheet. Bulkheads are likewise 1/16 sheet and two of each are needed as they are made in halves. To assemble, pin top and bottom keels over the side view..."

Update 18/01/2019: Added article, thanks to RFJ.

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Luscombe Model 10 (oz3411) by Earl Stahl 1946 - pic 003.jpg
Luscombe Model 10 (oz3411) by Earl Stahl 1946 - pic 004.jpg
Luscombe Model 10 (oz3411) by Earl Stahl 1946 - pic 005.jpg

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