Cessna C-106 Loadmaster (oz2976)


Cessna C-106 Loadmaster (oz2976) by Dave Stott - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Cessna C-106 Loadmaster. Twin rubber scale model prototype 1940s military transport, by Dave Stott.

The subject C-106 (or P260) never went into production due to a wartime shortage of material (plywood) so only 2 demonstrator aircraft were built.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

SteveBlanchard mailed in to say: "I was just doing my usual sifting through and downloading when I saw one of Dave's plans loaded, one that I had built. I clicked on it and I saw that the picture is actually of my model [pic 005]. It was built from these plan blown up to 30" and flies with two 6" peck props. I am quite flattered that the picture of my model was used. Thanks"


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Cessna C-106 Loadmaster (oz2976) by Dave Stott - model pic

  • (oz2976)
    Cessna C-106 Loadmaster
    by Dave Stott
    from Airdevil
    23in span
    Scale Rubber F/F Multi Military
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
  • Submitted: 29/05/2012
    Filesize: 288KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: theshadow, fantasyflyer_plan_collection
    Downloads: 4379

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Cessna C-106 Loadmaster (oz2976) by Dave Stott - pic 003.jpg
Cessna C-106 Loadmaster (oz2976) by Dave Stott - pic 004.jpg
Cessna C-106 Loadmaster (oz2976) by Dave Stott - pic 005.jpg
Cessna C-106 Loadmaster (oz2976) by Dave Stott - pic 006.jpg
Cessna C-106 Loadmaster (oz2976) by Dave Stott - pic 007.jpg

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User comments

My model pictured [main pic, 003, 004] is from the Dave Stott plan and has contra-rotating props. Also, some unknown history on the 1943 Cessna C-106 Cargo Planes. Enclosed are pics of the 2 airplanes built by Cessna Experimental for the Canadian Air Transport Div in 1943 [006, 007]. Note that they used design and some parts from the AT-17 Bobcat known commonly as the “Bamboo Bomber”. Canada decided they already had enough aircraft to do the job and declined the work to continue. The 2 prototypes were bulldozed. One used the 600 hp P&W R-1340 engine as used in the North American AT-6. The other used a geared GR-1340 that allowed use of a 3 bladed prop. The 4 men shown in the picture [007] were responsible for the project and went on to become long time employees at Cessna except for the man in the ball cap who was the well liked Cessna test pilot Carl Winsted who died in the crash of the 1st prototype model 195 when the windshield failed in testing in 1945. The man on the far right is my father W.L. Schmidt.
Bill Schmidt - 02/06/2021
Models always seem to build, look and fly better when one has some direct connection to them. Thank you to all Schmidts.
Miguel - 03/06/2021
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