Bee 25 (oz2881)


Bee 25 (oz2881) by PW Green 1954 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Bee 25. 25in span C/L sports model, from Model Aircraft, November 1954.

Quote: "A tough, good-looking, control line model for 1 cc engines. The Bee 25, by PW Green.

The Bee 25 model started as an idea for a Christmas present for a youngster interested in modelling and was designed to be as robust as practicable. The model was built in about a week and since that time has put in dozens of hours flying. The unusual design features of a fuselage planked with 1/8 in sheet and the heavily constructed wing do not detract from the performance, which is quite lively. The model takes off after a short run and will perform wide loops.

Building Instructions. The first step is to make the fuel tank from tinplate. Then drill the bearers and the two small pieces of tin, and bolt the engine on as shown in the plan. This method permits trouble-free use of holding-down bolts and is well worth the extra effort of soldering. Cement the formers F1, 2, 3 in position and fit the bell crank assembly. (Remember to mask off the exhaust ports and fuel and air intakes on the engine.) The engine, bearers, bell crank assembly and the formers Ft, 2, 3 now form one complete unit.

Cement on fuselage sides, and when they are dry, pull them in at the rear and fit the wedge-shaped balsa end-piece, then cement in the remaining formers. Remove engine and seal ends of pipes of tank, then plank over formers with 1/8 in strip from F1 to F7, sand smooth, and then trim off planking flush with these formers, and cement in the balsa tail block, remembering to leave 1/8 in space for the tailplane.

Build the cowling from block with C1 pinned in position. When dry, fair in the blocks to conform with planking. Fit the ply reinforcement pieces and dowels, then fit 1/16 in sheet at wing-seat position. Immediately after cementing this sheet in position, fit the wing and strap on with rubber bands, making sure that there is no excess cement between wing and wing seat sheeting. This method ensures an accurate wing-fit to fuselage, and any small discrepancies may be filled in with scrap balsa..."

Update 10/02/2015: Replaced this plan with a clearer copy (patterned background removed) thanks to TonyP.

Supplementary file notes

Original scan. Includes article page, text and pic.


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Bee 25 (oz2881) by PW Green 1954 - model pic


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