Lockheed Super Constellation (oz2863)
About this Plan
Lockheed Super Constellation (EC-121). Radio control scale model for either electric power or as a slope glider. Scale is 1/24.
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Note (23/07/2022): this plan is of uncertain origin. We are listing it here as being by: Jack Lynn Bale, and from: (redrawn by) Uncle Willie, because that is our current best guess.
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Lockheed Super Constellation
by Jack Lynn Bale
from Uncle Willies
61in span
Scale Electric Glider R/C LowWing Multi Civil
clean :)
all formers complete :)
Submitted: 02/05/2012
Filesize: 680KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: archangel, Uncle Willie
Downloads: 8662
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User comments
The EC-121 upper radome is too narrow. The radome enclosed the height finding radar (APS-45) that had a vertical orange peel antenna that oscillated vertically and with a azimuth of 360 degrees. My 50 year memory believes the base had to be near 48 inches and the height is 98 inches. I had to climb in to adjust the antenna and replace the gyroscope that was housed just aft of the antenna base. Also the nose radome wasn't an equal radius (side view), it was a greater radius on the top than on the bottom, adding to the unique graceful appearance of the Super Connie. I was blessed with over 1800 hours flying in this beautiful aircraft. CS, USN Ret.CS - 21/05/2016
Dear Outerzone, my download of your superb Super Constellation will be very useful to hand-manufacture the broken-off wing tanks of my Dinky-Toys France Ref. 60C = 892 1/190 scale model (1956-62), which I recently took from Paris to the West Indies, where I work twice a year, to photograph it on slide film in-situ on the approach trajectory to the runway, as I did two months ago in Fort-de-France. I may scan and send within the next few months. I visited the Concorde prototype at Toulouse-Blagnac in 1971, first flew on a two-seater glider in 1980 as a student, walked the Aberdeen, Scotland tarmac for my first passenger flight on an HS 748 in 1982, flew a few times to Berlin-Tegel with the wall in sight as the Rosinenbomber did during the blockade, and crossed the Big Pond for the first time on March 22nd on board the newly-delivered Airbus A350-900 of Air Caraibes. Quid of the future?
PeterDenimal - 08/01/2018
Reading the query about the upper radome on a 'Super Constellation', I thought to check my 'United States Navy Aircraft since 1911' (Putnam 1968) and width would appear to be half the fuselage width at that point. I converted a Revell/ Heller 1/72nd scale model and it looks 'right'. I also painted this one [more pics 003].
AlanV - 19/12/2018
I was looking for such a plan for a long time.
Stefan Petermann - 22/06/2019
Big fan of the L-1049 Super G and these plans look to be very accurate. Downloaded to eventually build a yard spinner / weather vane in foam and in TWA livery. Anyway, my thanks for providing a Connie fan with a nice set of plans.
Rick - 15/09/2021
10 years later and no designer nor publisher for this beauty? What is this, an orphan both motherless and fatherless? At least she has an Uncle, but that may not be a good thing, considering. Come on, gimme a name :)
Miguel - 13/06/2022
It continue to represent a mistery to me, I'm searching the source since the apparition of this plan, I think it's from a kit or plans vendor, not from magazines. Maybe wrong but the Astro Cobalt 035 motors and slope soarer foam wing options put it in USA from middle 80's to 90's. Someone said it's a reduction of Kyoshu cl kit plan by Uncle Willies, but quite different. A construction blog here: https://forums.modelflying.co.uk/index.php?/top...
Pit - 23/07/2022
Is it maybe originally by Jack Lynn Bale? He did lots of big, scale, slope soarers, often with fibreglass fuselages. This looks a bit like the kind of work he did.
SteveWMD - 23/07/2022
Well spotted Steve, it's the same style as the UW cleaned Catalina (oz2901). Bale was active on R/C Scale Modeler mag selling plans and mouldings. After his death his PC was stolen by a club member and remaining plans were sold out. I think a lot of plans are lost. As a confirmation the swap plans site www.model-plans.co.uk listed this plan credited to Bale in his plans list avalailable.
Lockheed L1049 Super Constellation 61” span elec/ic/slope soarer 2 large sheets PRICE M.
pit - 23/07/2022
Got it, thanks Pit. Ok, have set this one now as being by Jack Lynn Bale and from Uncle Willies. If more info comes along, we can always update this listing.
SteveWMD - 23/07/2022
"After his death his PC was stolen by a club member and remaining plans were sold out." I think it takes a special kind of villainy to do a thing like that!
Miguel - 24/07/2022
This is the Brodak plan 60" ws Super Connie video, just to see how a 60" ws electric model flies.
this for bigger Slope Soarer Connie:
Miguel: last word is for you :)
pit - 24/07/2022
Oh, the Super Connie was one o the most elegant shapes that graced the airs, and this TWA livery in the first film looked especially attractive on her sleek form. In this first film, the TO/Landing are on dirt, a smooth surface would have looked better, but... I'm happy to see this model attributed to J.L.Bale, one of the greats.
As for last word(s), true or otherwise, this is a dangerous thing to ask for, so I'm sorry but I'll pass :)
Miguel - 24/07/2022
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- Lockheed Super Constellation (oz2863)
- Plan File Filesize: 680KB Filename: Super_Constellation_oz2863.pdf
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.
This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.
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