Paddys Pig (oz2780)
About this Plan
Paddys Pig. Radio control model. Sport trainer for .09 power and single channel RC. Designed for the Sterling Single channel rig by Barry Halsted and Jed Kusik.
Quote: "PADDY'S PIG - .09 sport trainer for single channel action.
SOMEDAY they'll make an R/C unit that even a beginner can just strap in and fly - one that will eliminate confusing button pushing and let's me steer naturally. They'll make it so dependable that it works every time I go out to fly. It will be so rugged that it will be practically crash-proof. It'll be one I won't have to replace when I advance to more sophisticated flying. They'll make a low-cost R/C that comes with built in nickel cadmium batteries and charger, with a receiver so perfect that even if it crashes the factory will re-place it instead of repair it!
This is the Someday that Sterling Models said is here now, when they released their Command Master R/C System, designed to fill these 'someday requirements' of the beginner and sport flyer. When the first production models came off the line, we asked for a unit to test, and one for which we could design - a simple to build, easy to fly and repair model which this same beginner or sport flier could build and fly with almost the same degree of built-in success.
Paddy's Pig is the result. The first part of the name was our Editor, and Fearless Leader's attempt to give it an Irish flavor, while the second part was his expression of its overall appearance! Needless to say, graceful lines and an ethereal look was not part of the design program for this model. Rather, it was designed as a simple, functional rudder-only airplane that would give the begin-ner a fighting chance to get his new equipment airborne in a minimum amount of time, and once there, keep him upstairs despite his own attempts to crash! The design is completely straightforward, with slab sides forming a box, a simple, silkspan covered Clark Y airfoil, and a maximum amount of ruggedness in the areas generally affected by not-so-gentle contacts with the ground.
Flight characteristics can be summed up in, one word: stable. There is very little tendency to drop a nose in the turn and no immediate tendency to go into a spiral dive when full command is held on the Command Master transmitter. In other words - an extremely stable trainer that will allow you to get airborne and put in enough flying time in which to build up your confidence to a degree where you will feel comfortable with a more maneuverable ship.
This same design, however, can be modified for increased performance by adding elevators, and using anything from a galloping ghost servo up to six channel reeds. There is even enough room for a couple of smaller propor-tional servos. If you up the weight by using a heavier radio system, substitute a .10 or _15 mill for the Cox Medallion .09. These modifications are not recommended for the beginner nor for initial use with the Command Master system.
A word or two about the equipment itself. This pulse proportional, rudder-only system with its three position escapement throttle control, fulfills all of the claims made for it by the manufacturer. It had ample power for the control surface, plenty of range, and no in terference problems were encountered. It was simply a matter of plugging it together and installing it in the plane - about a 30 minute job at the most. It works - and will continue to work and provide you with many, many hours of flying pleasure if - and we stress this point - if you don't take it apart or attempt to modify it to some way-out schematic you found in the pages of a model magazine. Leave it alone, and it will serve you well..."
Supplementary file notes
Article pages, text and pics, thanks to hlsat.
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Paddys Pig
by Barry Halstead, Jed Kusik
from RCMplans (ref:184)
August 1966
48in span
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Found online 18/04/2012 at:
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