Piranha (oz268)


Piranha (oz268) by Don McGovern 1966 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Piranha. 74 in span RC flying boat by Don McGovern.

Quote: "The Piranha design spans just about 74inches, requires rudder, elevator and engine speed control. Originally laid out for Citizen-Ship analog proportional equipment, a last minute switch to the new digital proportioal equipment was made. The design does not need aileron control as it was not primarily designed for stunt pattern flying, but those who wish to modify it for ailerons or other control functions will find the aircraft large enough to take the installation necessary.

Few seaplanes are ever built, yet there is a tremendous interest in them. Flyers naturally find the idea exciting, yet fear the consequences of dunking expensive radio equipment. This is a darn good point, and we have a wonderfully easy solution to this whole problem. A water-tight, weatherproof, dust-proof sealed container for every-thing electronic that permits your entire radio system to be immersed under water without damage - and it includes pushrod connections, switch and what-all. This designed by Gene Rogers, and a 'must' for every R/C flyer - even if you fly in the middle of the desert. It is as good protection for the land flyer as it is for salt water sea-plane use. Dust and grit in your servos don't help reliability a bit, not to mention the protection it offers land craft that might end up accidentally in a pond, stream or rainstorm. This 'All-Dry' Canister is very simple to build, can be switched from model to model and is something you don't want to miss. It will be presented in plan form in the next issue. So, fear not for your Radio equipment. Frame out your Piranha, and look for this special feature article on the waterproof RIC installation in one month's time. It will fit this ship... "

Update 05/01/2017: added (2 part) article from Flying Models Dec 1966 & Jan 1967, thanks to dplumpe.

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Piranha (oz268) by Don McGovern 1966 - model pic


Piranha (oz268) by Don McGovern 1966 - pic 003.jpg
Piranha (oz268) by Don McGovern 1966 - pic 004.jpg

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