Chicken Hawk (oz2632)
About this Plan
Chicken Hawk. Single channel sports plane. Nostalgic 1/2A single channel RC biplane, Cox Baby Bee 0.049 shown.
This design was also kitted by Special Edition / Kustom Kits.
Quote: "If there's one thing we've learned about true bipe fans through the years it's that they have long memories! Hazy, but long! This fact stood out like the proverbial sore digit when we unveiled the hero of this construction epic at a local club meeting. Several of the fellows were giving it the usual. and required 3W Tests (Wrinkle, Weight & Warp Tests) when it happened. I could see him elbowing through the crowd. He had that odd split-vision stare peculiar to all bipe fans that allows them to see two wings on anything. He also seemed to have a chip on his shoulder (it was a balsa chip, and that's the worst kind).
I tried to explain that I had also designed the Duet and hadn't seen any great similarity between the two. My disgruntled audience merely shrugged and ended our meeting with - Sure! As it turned out this modeler has a large crush on the Duet and felt that even if I did design it, any attempt to use any part of it in another bipe made me guilty of plagerism, Woe is me!
Actually I haven't looked at the plans or even pictures of the Duet (oz4109) for almost two years, but I'll have to admit that, in the final analysis, there is a resemblance. So, sue me.
This word play did take place - give or take a little. But that's not the important point in our construction story. The important feature from a modeling standpoint is performance and we're sure you'll find the Chicken Hawk worth the little extra effort needed to bring it into being. Balancing is easy with the equipment outlined and arranged according to plan. Additional gear, such as extra batteries can be arranged between formers No. 2 and No. 3 without disturbing the balance, But were getting ahead of our story. Wwe're flying high with a ship that hasn't been built yet! That can be corrected with the proper amount of 'As" sheet, a dab of glue, some pins and a little patience. Shall we?
Fuselage. 1/16 medium weight balsa was used throughout on the original. With the proper amount of juggling you can get both fuselage sides out of one 4 in sheet. We used 3 in stock and spliced just above the bottom wing along the line shown on the plans.
Use a little care to be sure both side pieces match - including the slots which align the bulkheads. If 3 in stock has been used for the sides, ce-ment the splice pieces in place before marking the side outlines. This will help assure the accuracy of the lower wing position which is a critical point - or could be if the angle of attack should differ too much from the plans. Next cut out the lie sheet doublers and cement in place.
Layout the bulkheads and cut to outline. Applying a little cement skin to both sides of each bulkhead will help when you come to cutting out the areas through which the control rods pass.
An easy way to lay the groundwork for correct alignment is to cement former 5 in place and pin the fuse-lage sides together at the rear. A rubber band will draw the side in to the outline of No. 5. Next cement the 1/2 in sheet balsa piece which makes up the forward fuselage bottom from the leading edge of the bottom wing to the nose. With the sides pinned securely to this piece, install the ply fire-wall and the Vie ply formers 2, 3 and 4. Here again rubber bands will help draw the fuselage sides in to conform to the former's outlines. Don't hesitate to apply hot water directly onto the wood at these bend areas. Use a tissue or paper towel to apply the hot water at the spots that need it.
Now the remaining formers 6, 7 & 8 can be cemented into place. Rubber bands will come in handy here, too, plus a little more hot water. To get the area over former 8 to sweep up into a gentle flow toward the fin, we used hot water as a start and applied some snap type clothes pins to force the wood to shape. Needless to say, the fin and stabilizer should be cemented in place prior to this bit of business. The fuselage top from the cockpit to fin can be cemented in place now..."
Update 16/07/2021: Added supplement wing drawing (shows complete layout) thanks to EyalAbraham.
Supplementary file notes
Article, thanks to HarryD.
Wing layout drawing.
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Chicken Hawk
by Ted Strader
from Flying Models
August 1963
34in span
IC R/C Pylon Biplane
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Found online 22/03/2012 at:
Filesize: 459KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: danito69, EyalAbraham
Downloads: 3375
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User comments
Hi Mary, I hope all is well. Please accept the attached photos of the Ted Strader Chicken Hawk biplane I built in 2018 [main pic, 007,008]. I fly it regularly. I currently sports a Cox reed valve .049 with a 8 cc tank with a Tee Dee piston and cylinder and an exhaust throttle. Thank you and keep up the good work! From Buffalo, NYDoug Weaver - 09/05/2020
See build log at:
Flight video:
Eyal Abraham - 26/09/2021
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- Chicken Hawk (oz2632)
- Plan File Filesize: 459KB Filename: ChickenHawk_oz2632.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 547KB Filename: ChickenHawk_oz2632_article.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 251KB Filename: ChickenHawk_oz2632_wing.pdf
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* Credit field
The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.
This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.
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