Citation (oz2610)


Citation (oz2610) by John Roth 1963 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Citation. Multi channel R/C design for .35 to .45 engines. 740 sq in area.

Update 14/08/2020: Added article, thanks to theshadow.

Quote: "10 channel super-simple multi. Citation, by John Roth.

The 'Citation' is an easy-to-fly, simple-to-build multi-control airplane. While one often hears such remarks about various multis, Citation is a most practical airplane from every standpoint. It has won and placed at many contests, yet is an enjoyable ship to fly for sport. For its performance and maneuverabiliy it is surprisingly simple to construct, to fly and to maintain.

During three seasons of competitive flying, we had used up nine kit low wings. For obvious reasons, building time had to be minimized. Attrition due to constant practice and competitive flying in all sorts of weather, crowd and field conditions implied frequent building of replacement airplanes. This problem was compounded, of course, by the maneuvering limitations and other qualities of the designs we were flying. For example, one of the low wings was notoriously tricky on the approach, which made hazardous touch-and-go and landing maneuvers under marginal conditions.

A detailed study was made of the ideal qualities that ought to be present in a practical top-notch multi. The Citation was the result. In three seasons we have now had to build only three machines and, if a replacement does need to be constructed, it requires not much more than half the time previously required.

In addition too simplicity and practicality, a good multi should possess certain other special attributes and chief among these is an almost automatic quality to its flight performance in order to minimize piloting cor-rections, both on the ground and in the air. Corrections can always be seen and can cost points. The necessity of making corrections, complicates pilot-ing technique, making for inferior maneuvers.

The fewer the corrections necessary, the easier and quicker the maneuvers, and the more points scored. Even for the multi beginner or sport flier this is important because it permits the effective accomplishments of many stunts and maneuvers which normally are sloppy or actually unrecognizable. There should be a high order of stabili-ty throughout the approach and land-ing maneuvers.

Citation is a light-weight, tricycle-landing geared, shoulder wing having parallel edged wings and stabilizer. Light weight is important in many maneuvers, notably the vertical eight where the entry is at the bottom of the eight, and the outside loop at the top of the eight - where a loggy machine is at a very great disadvantage. The lighter loading shows up on take-offs and when an approach is slow. The heavier machine may look bad in climbing maneuvers and on outside loops, particularly when three consecutive outsides are performed. First-rate multi's today are coming in at 5-1/2 and 5-3/4 but not more than 6 pounds. The Citation falls in this bracket.

The tricycle landing gear today is almost essential for ground maneuvering points. The three-wheel gear tracks far better on takeoff run in fairly deep grass and lifted off for a good climb out, so obviously its takeoffs are automatic, usually requiring no trim or elevator control movements until the ship has made its 360 and come back over the transmitter for straight flight, where a touch of down trim normally is required. The nosewheel allows use of a one-wheel brake, whereas two-wheel gears require two brakes.

The shoulder-wing has many advantages, in our opinion - we say this alter long experience with low wings. For the sport flier it is particularly important. If the beginner does bang into the ground, the wing can detach more readily whereas, on the low wing, it is trapped between fuselage and ground, and stopped by the nose gear, with the result that more wing damage is caused. This damage is increased by the presence of a landing gear assembly built integrally with the wing.

We found that no thrust offset was required for the design. Right thrust required on most low wings does compensate for a left turn tendency due to torque, but offset thrust is not equally effective at all speeds..."

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Citation (oz2610) by John Roth 1963 - model pic


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