Cessna 180 (oz241)


Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Cessna 180. 36 in span half-A gas free flight or control line by Paul Delgatto.

Quote: "This particular airplane was selected for kit production because its proportions are ideal for scale model flying. It embodies the features for gas model free-flight and control line flying. In addition, it can be rubber powered.

The kit includes all the basic material for constructing the free-flight gas model. Separate accessories for controline flying or rubber power can be obtained from your dealer.

Before beginning the actual construction of the model, look over the plans and details carefully..."


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Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - model pic


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Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - pic 003.jpg
Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - pic 004.jpg
Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - pic 005.jpg
Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - pic 006.jpg
Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - pic 007.jpg
Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - pic 008.jpg
Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - pic 009.jpg
Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - pic 010.jpg
Cessna 180 (oz241) by Paul Del Gatto - pic 011.jpg

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User comments

My name is Carlo Santangelo and I am a "vintage" modeller. Greetings from Italy and congratulations for the wonderful site. I send some photos of my last fatigue, the Cessna 180 with electric motor [more pics 003-007].
Carlo_Santangelo - 29/01/2019
Sorry but this model flies with control?
Yazdan - 26/02/2019
If you go by the separate control surfaces for all 3 axes, this one is flown R/C. Always remember nowadays we got those miniature R/C sets that can be built into small models that were constructed for free flight some decades ago.
Fynnek - 27/02/2019
Yazdan, it was originally designed as a free flight but, like most free flight models, it can be adapted to radio control (which looks to be the case here). The builder has just set the elevator and rudder to be functional and added the necessary push rods from the servos.
Daithi - 27/02/2019
It looks like the ailerons are functional. Is this the case?
Bob D - 07/06/2020
Yes, the model has three axes, two servos in the wings, the take-off weight is about 380 grams with 850 m.amp battery and has some variations from the original design, the fuselage, originally with the ribs, is in 2 mm balsa. (to respect the original aircraft) obviously the wing dihedral having the ailerons has been reduced, it is a model that I recommend to all those who intend to build it, it is stable and docile.
Carlo Santangelo - 11/09/2020
Carlo, any model will be stable and docile if it is built with the care you obviously took, and has a sweeeet finish like the one you gave it!
If you build sloppy it will fly sloppy, if you take good care building then surely you'll take good care trimming and flying it!
Miguel - 12/09/2020
Photos of my Cessna 180 by Paul Del Gatto [main pic, 009-011] the second version. I'm Carlo Santangelo, after a problem with a servomotor I revised and corrected the previous construction.
Carlo Santangelo - 27/04/2021
Very nice job. Terrific finish!
Jan Novick - 27/04/2021
Beautiful rendition of this classic airplane. My father owned one (full size) 5 decades ago. He loved it. And your model, beautiful. One question, why black windows?
Eduardo Barriga - 27/04/2021
Joseph Wolf - 13/05/2021
Beautifull model! Did you make changes to the plan? I am building a kit version and any info would be useful.
Frederick - 13/02/2024
I am building this same model in foam with a wingspan of 1.50 m, obviously with quite a few changes, although respecting the plan. When I finish it I will upload some photos. Greetings from Buenos Aires.
jorbig - 15/10/2024
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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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