Natsneez (oz2251)


Natsneez (oz2251) by PE Norman 1944 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Natsneez. Free flight power model. Design shows leading edge slots in the outer wing panels. November 1944 Aeromodeller. This is a low resolution plan.

Quote: "This model is the result of experiments to produce a really small and handy petrol model, with a good performance, as crashproof as far as possible, easy to maintain on the field and possessing a pleasing appearance with simple construction.

It is powered with an engine of 1.8cc, 9/16 bore by 1/2in stroke, and 3 oz weight, which drives an 8-1/2in propellor of 4-1/2in pitch. The unit is of my own design and construction. Any engine of not more than 2.3 cc ans 3 oz weight would be suitable.

Fuselage. Commence by making the three formers: No 1 from 1/8 in hard sheet balsa; No 2 from two laminations of 1/16 in sheet balsa, cemented together with the grains running at right angles; and No 3 from 1/8 sheet..."

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Natsneez (oz2251) by PE Norman 1944 - model pic


Natsneez (oz2251) by PE Norman 1944 - pic 002.jpg
Natsneez (oz2251) by PE Norman 1944 - pic 003.jpg
Natsneez (oz2251) by PE Norman 1944 - pic 004.jpg
Natsneez (oz2251) by PE Norman 1944 - pic 005.jpg
Natsneez (oz2251) by PE Norman 1944 - pic 006.jpg
Natsneez (oz2251) by PE Norman 1944 - pic 007.jpg
Natsneez (oz2251) by PE Norman 1944 - pic 008.jpg
Natsneez (oz2251) by PE Norman 1944 - pic 009.jpg

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User comments

...two pics of my latest build [see more pics 002, 003]. It's the Natsneez with a Cox .49 and with RC for elevator and rudder. It flys very well and is great fun.
GeorgKrahl - 16/11/2012
Hi Steve: Here are pics of my model, first flown on 1st June 2014 [see more pics 004, 005]. Power is Allbon Dart .5cc diesel. Regards,
PeterScott - 03/06/2014
Hi Steve, thanks again for this excellent resource. I have recently completed the Natsneez which turned out to be a real pocket rocket [more pics 007, 008]. I originally ran this on a Protech X400 brushless motor turning a 8 by 4 prop. It's been toned down now with a slightly tamer motor and a 7 by 3 prop.
AnthonyRoberts - 23/12/2017
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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