Asteroid 320 (oz2176)


Asteroid 320 (oz2176) by Bob Hunter 1959 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Asteroid 320. Free flight power model. Holland .049 Hornet shown. Flying Models, Feb 1959. This plan was printed in Flying Models Decade of Designs (1), published 1960.

Quote: "With howling power, you need a plane that grooves all the way up to the top.

Design of this 1/2A was undertaken in early 1957 when, with the advent of the Holland Hornet, it became apparent that the .049 power race was not yet over. The Asteroid is nearly thirty per cent larger than most 1/2A designs, but with the light wing loading, and the power to back it up, it's a threat in any contest.

Contest balsa of from four- to six-pound stock, is used throughout the construction, unless otherwise specified, and templates for tip sections may be made from heavy poster board and pencil carbon, available at stationery stores. The two rib sections (one wing—one stab) are made of thin plywood or aluminum.

Wing: Cut and notch leading and trailing edges. Laminate leading edges and tips, and pin outline to plan. Note 1/32 trailing edge shim. Slice ribs as per rib method on plan, making certain to mark leading edge of lower ribs before cutting free from the 3/32 sheet. Note that all ribs are the same length when cutting and are cut to length later, using extension line at leading edge of wing plan. This gives a perfectly tapered section, both in depth and chord. After lower ribs are cemented in place, spot cement the four dihedral break, and second tip ribs in, on top, bringing leading edges of ribs high enough to match the top of the leading edge. When dry, measure the vertical distance between these ribs at the spar locations. This will give the correct taper for the spars, to fit the ribs you have cut. The two center ribs are solid, with spar slots, undercut 1/16 on top and bottom for planking. Be sure to shim up these ribs 1/16 when cementing in place.

Cut spars from sheet balsa, using a straight edge. If the sheet is cut to spar length, the spars may be cut with the grain running in the same direction on each, by merely reversing dimensions on each successive cut, since two of each must be cut anyway. Nothing is needed to support lower ribs while spars are being cemented, and when the spars are dry, you will notice a great increase in rigidity. Now add top ribs, cutting at leading and trailing edges, using reference line.

Plank two center ribs on top, cement gussets and diagonals. Bottom center may be planked when wing sections are removed from plan for sanding. Sanding the wing in sections before putting in the dihedral, makes for a much better sanding job. Now put in the dihedral as per plan. Pre-dope the bottom ribs four times, cover with Jap tissue, water spray, and al-low to dry. Use a minimum of four coats of dope and fuel proof center section, if necessary..."

Update 15/11/2016: article pages, text & pics added, thanks to theshadow.

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Asteroid 320 (oz2176) by Bob Hunter 1959 - model pic


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