Fury Four (oz1916)


Fury Four (oz1916) by JS Luck 1946 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Fury IV (Fury 4). Control line sport model. MAN Oct 1946.

Quote: "Latest in a long series of Fury models, first of which was presented in the August, 1944, issue of this magazine. Fury Four, by JS Luck.

PLANS are given here for the latest version of this seasoned old campaigner. Since the first Fury (Mark I) was published in MAN more than two years ago the design has been subject to no less than three subsequent revisions, each one an improvement in general efficiency and construction method. The Fury Mark IV, is to be the last descendant in this line of sport model control liners. (This last remark was made lest the reader anticipates breaking a speed record - the Fury never was designed for that.)

The plan sheets are reduced to 1/3 the size of the original 42 x 30 tracing. If the reproduction is to be used for construction, it must be enlarged three times, either by photostatic means (never very satisfactory and rather expensive) or by drawing a grid of 1/2 squares over the entire page and redrawing onto a sheet of 1-1/2 squares.

FUSELAGE: Start by cutting out and assembling all the 1/8 medium balsa formers. Then, after the 1/2 x 1/8 pine main longerons have been pinned down over the plan, cement in formers B/B to J/B. Lay in the 1/4 square rock-hard balsa bottom longerons and tail piece and allow to dry thoroughly while still pinned down. Make firewall and attach the 1/2 x 3/8 hardwood motor skids properly positioned for the motor to be used - the plan shows the arrangement for a Rocket motor. Cement firewall to the now dry structure. Perhaps it is best to pin the assembly down again with firewall pro-jecting over the edge of the board. This will keep things shipshape and square while the 1/8 soft (almost mushy) sheet bottom is applied and the tail wheel made up and secured to J/B with J.

When dry (takes at least 48 hours), turns right side up, and cement in formers D/T to J/T, the 3/16 x 3/4 tail piece and stabilizer platform K. Lay flexible 1/16 sheet over upper portion of fuselage from D/T back. The sheet should overlap the main longerons by 1/8 and the edge should be trimmed straight and square to facilitate butting up the side sheeting without a gapped seam. The hinged section may now be built over formers A, to D4 and fitted in place with hinges made up as shown. The 1/8 sheet fuselage sides cannot be applied until the flying surfaces have been made and control mechanism installed.

FLYING SURFACES: Cut out the wing ribs from 3/32 medium, slot for spars, then drill for control wires and tip switch leads. Spars are made of very hard 3/16 x 3/16 and 3/16 x 1/4 tapered down to 1/8 x 3/16 at tips. After leading and trailing edges have been made and slotted to receive ribs, assemble the wing over the plan by pinning down the bottom spar and trailing edge and letting in the ribs. Note that the TE should be jacked up with small shims of 1/16 sheet under the lower forward cor-ner so as to comply with undercamber..."

Update 20/01/2019: Added article, thanks to RFJ.

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Fury Four (oz1916) by JS Luck 1946 - model pic


Fury Four (oz1916) by JS Luck 1946 - pic 003.jpg
Fury Four (oz1916) by JS Luck 1946 - pic 004.jpg

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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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