1937 Texaco Winner (oz1901)
About this Plan
1937 Texaco Winner. Free flight gas model. This is not a full-size plan. Originally published in Air Trails 7/38.
Quote: "Texaco Trophy Winner. Five pages of detailed plans and information for duplicating the most renowned gas model of the 1937-8 contest year - the 25th AirTrails championship model presentation. By Fiske Hanley in collaboration with Gordon S Light.
THE TEXACO TROPHY is the outstanding award for gas models. All Texaco winners have been outstanding models. Hanley's 1937 winner continues this famous line of models. It incorporates the features which Hanley deemed necessary for a contest winner - fast climb, slow glide, and stable flight. The model lived up to all these requirements despite the fact that it was designed, built and test-flown two weeks before the National Meet.
It's a long way from Fort Worth to Detroit and this accounts for the attention Hanley paid to making his model demountable for ease in carrying. The wing is two-piece, the landing gear is detachable, tail removable, and the motor mount is readily detached.
Construction. It is difficult to include every construction detail in this limited space. Therefore the routine type of construction will be passed over lightly and the special emphasis given to the features which make this model distinctive. All the drawings have been drawn to the scale indicated and measurements can be made directly from the sketches.
Fuselage. The basic fuselage structure is built from 3/8 x 3/8 balsa in conventional fashion. The two side panels are built directly over a full-size layout of the fuselage and then joined by the top and bottom cross-braces. Formers and stringers are added to the top and bottom of this basic structure.
The formers are cut from two-ply 1/8 in balsa. A typical former - top and bottom - is shown in the pattern of full-size parts. The other formers will have to be changed slightly to fit their particular location. 1/8 in spruce stringers are used both top and bottom.
Two front fuselage formers are cut from 1/4 in three-ply hardwood. One of these formers is attached rigidly to the front of the fuselage. The other former is used to make up the motor mount. Cut two motor bearers (pattern shown full-size) from 1/4 in plywood. These bearers are nailed and cemented to the former. The motor mount is attached to the fuselage by rubber-and-hooks on each side of the fuselage..."
Supplementary file notes
Article pages, text and pics, also includes some drawings of rib and some formers at full size, plus motor mount detail. Thanks to BillW.
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1937 Texaco Winner
by Fiske Hanley
from Air Trails
July 1938
114in span
IC F/F Parasol
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Found online 01/12/2011 at:
Filesize: 928KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: 50+AirYears
Downloads: 4567
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User comments
I own this model. The original one.Harrison Jordan - 15/04/2022
Good day, please send an answer, what type and parameter of the motor was used. Thank you,
Heinz - 28/11/2022
Fiske Hanley went on to join the Army Air Corps in WW II. He was in a B-24 shot down in the Pacific and spent a good part of the war in a Japanese prison camp.
I've seen one of these models in the "flesh" as it were. Steve Roselle built one and had it at the 2007 SAM Champs at Las Vegas.
Mike Myers - 29/11/2022
It was a "Brown Jr." See attached pics [004, 005]. Best wishes,
Jeff - 29/11/2022
I've seen them in Europe powered by the Mvvs 10cm engine with a diesel head. Attached photo [main pic].
TomRyan - 23/09/2024
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- 1937 Texaco Winner (oz1901)
- Plan File Filesize: 928KB Filename: 1937_Texaco_oz1901.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 767KB Filename: 1937_Texaco_oz1901_article.pdf
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* Credit field
The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.
This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.
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