Americano (oz1898)


Americano (oz1898) by Woody Blanchard 1958 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Americano. A .15 sized FF competition model. Oct 1958 MAN.

Quote: "Several-times National Champion presents this rugged, fine performer for International .15 power competition. Americano, by WS Blanchard Jr.

'Americano' has been designed for for the 1958 FAI power rules. For an engine of .15 cubic inches displacement, these rules require a minimum all-up weight of about 26 ounces. The required wing-loading allows a maximum total projected area (wing-plus-tail) of about 580 square inches for a model weighing 26 ounces. This makes for a very rugged airplane with a respectable life expectancy and, contrary to the predictions of the don't-raise-the-power-loading boys, these rules have resulted in airplanes that not only have excellent performance, but are far more consistent than their more powerful brothers.

It is the opinion of the author that AMA should take note of this when drafting our next set of rules. After all, how can we expect to attract many new youngsters to our hobby when they see a large percentage of all free-flight gas models smashed, as a result of excessive power, at most any contest? An increase in the AMA power-loading would penalize all of us equally, and would result in a sharp decrease in the number of smashed airplanes in the hands of less-experienced fliers (and experts, too!).

Americano utilizes a new type of wing structure that the author has found to be suitable for most any class of free-flight model. It is believed that anyone who tries it will be pleased with the results. The method allows rapid construction, yet yields a wing that is very rugged, and retains shape well.

Fuselage construction is a steal from Lindner's Nordic Winner (oz2217) of a couple of years ago, is as rapid as any method known to the author, and yields a stronger, cleaner fuselage than most other methods.

Begin wing construction by joining two sheets of firm 1/16 x 3 x 36 inch balsa edge-to-edge. Use a metal straight-edge to true up the edges before joining. Still using the straight edge as a guide, cut the sheet balsa to outline shape for one wing panel (root to tip). Use the wing drawing as a template, but cut the chord 3/32 in oversize, root to tip (this corrects for fore-shortening due to airfoil curvature). Next, pin the sheet to a flat surface, and butt-join the leading and trailing edges to the sheet. Install the 3/8 x 3/8 hard balsa stiffener at the inboard leading edge.

Apply two coats of nitrate dope to the face-up side of the sheet balsa, and remove the pins (primary purpose of the dope is to prevent 'sagging' of the sheet balsa between ribs after the completed wing is covered and doped). Using pins, cement in every other diagonal wing rib..."

Update 18/05/2021: Replaced this plan with a clearer copy, scanned from fullsize, thanks to theshadow. Also added complete article.

Supplementary file notes

Previous scan version.


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Americano (oz1898) by Woody Blanchard 1958 - model pic


Americano (oz1898) by Woody Blanchard 1958 - pic 003.jpg
Americano (oz1898) by Woody Blanchard 1958 - pic 004.jpg

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  • Americano (oz1898)
  • Plan File Filesize: 953KB Filename: Americano_FF_oz1898_.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 1168KB Filename: Americano_FF_oz1898_article.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 443KB Filename: Americano_FF_oz1898_previous.pdf
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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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