Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress (oz1836)
About this Plan
Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress. Scale model for either CL or radio control. Cox Pee Wee power is shown.
Quote: "Designed and built by Boeing Aircraft Company, the legendary B17 Flying Fortress was 'the guts and backbone of our aerial offensive' as General Hap Arnold put it. The tremendous fire power of its thirteen 50 caliber Machine Guns and the special formation flying, enabled the Squadron to penetrate enemy territory without fighter escort.
Our Model is a faithful and highly detailed replica of the Prototype. Frame members are accurately Die-Cut from finest quality Balsa and every part numbered to insure fast accurate assembly as shown on the Step-by-Step Plans and instructions.
Many highly detailed and Plastic Parts simplify assembly. Included are Chin Turret, Nose Canopy, Top Canopy, Navigator's Bubble, Top Turret, Ball Turret, Tail Canopy, Tail Gunner Enclosure, Cowlings and Nacelles.
Also included is Covering Material, Formed Wire Parts, Wheels, Authentic Decals, Hardware (that includes Control Line Parts) etc, etc. Kit can be built many ways: Rubber Powered (as supplied), Gas, CO, Engine, or Electric Motor. For Free Flight, Control Line or Radio Control or Static Scale. Any version makes a Museum-like Model."
Note Sterling ad [more pics 003] is from May 1975 MB.
Update 15/9/2023: Added decals (in colour), thanks to Pit.
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Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress
from Sterling (ref:E-11)
39in span
Scale IC C/L R/C Multi Military Bomber Kit
clean :)
all formers complete :)
Found online 21/11/2011 at:
Filesize: 1030KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: skyraider, Pit
Downloads: 7375
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User comments
This is the old Sterling Models Inc. Kit E-11 Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress, constructed as a display model [pics 005-008]. Wingspan is 39 inches.This model represents a B-17G-1-VE of the 526th BS 379th BG, based out of Kimbolton Airfield (RAF Kimbolton) during WW2. The aircraft's name was Blues In The Night and its waist gunner (usually flew with only one on board) was a friend of mine. Blues was shot down on a mission to Berlin, 19 May 1944. Fortunately my friend and his comrades were able to abandon their aircraft and all but one survived the war as POWs.
Construction of the model was not as daunting as the plan might appear. All markings are printed tissue "decals."
Thank you to the folk at Outerzone!
Neal Green - 15/04/2020
Has anybody flown this model with rubber powered? I really don't think it is practical.
Eduardo - 07/05/2022
when I was 14 y.o. this kit was unavailable in Italy, so I innocently wrote to Sterling saying in the kitbox there wasn't the plan in order to obtain it. One month later the plan arrived f.o.c. I built it but suddenly realized it was so tail heavy, due to the big rudder, that it became another Sterling "Flying Brick". Not really flying, just throwing it in the air like in an olympic javelin contest. I would like to try again with 2 Cox 020 an light rc as for the plan or better electric. Guillows B-17 is more big and heavy for rubber powered, but has the same dimension of the wonderful Keith Laumer cl B-17 oz214. The only one I think has a flying possibility by rubber is the Joe Ott B-17 oz4077
Pit - 08/05/2022
Those pretty pictures of a finished model could come from only one source.
Cheers Neal, Old Fa... extraordinaire :)
Miguel - 15/09/2023
Thank you, Miguel. It was a pleasure and an honor to construct this model. My old friend's soul was a "component" of Blues in the Night...laid it all on the line for "friends." He was the finest of gentlemen [pics 009, 010]. Neal
Neal Green - 16/09/2023
Thank you, Neal. My sincere respect, Sir.
Miguel - 17/09/2023
I suppose that the most difficult parts to make if this model is built from plans is the vacuum formed plastic parts., Since Sterling went out of business several years ago, I imagine they are not easily available. I think the only way would be to carve them from balsa and perhaps the engine cowlings would be better to make them by developing a former and stringer method. Good luck and best wishes! EDUARDO (Colombia)
Eduardo - 17/09/2023
Actually Eduardo...thanks for your interest...the plan contains the patterns for the nacelle substructures. It would be an easy next-step to create cowl-rings, etc. to complete the individual nacelle assemblies. The vacuformed plastic parts have always been something of an experiment for me to incorporate accurately...if you know what I mean. Seems I'm prone to create gaps that invariably require addressing. There are many ways to "lighten the load" on these old models.
Neal - 19/09/2023
Hello Neal, I agree with you, nacelles can be easier to build than other vacuum formed parts like the top fuselage section etc. They can, of course, be made carving from balsa. Fortunately, vacuum formed plastic parts are not too hard to make at home. I suppose this challenge is part of the general hobby of model building. EDUARDO
Eduardo - 20/09/2023
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- Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress (oz1836)
- Plan File Filesize: 1030KB Filename: B17_sterling_oz1836.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 268KB Filename: B17_sterling_oz1836_decals.pdf
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.
This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.
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