Waggler (oz1789)


Waggler (oz1789) by John Reid 2002 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Waggler. Rudder only RC model for .3-.4cc power. This is a modern plan, based on the 'Rudder Waggler' design by Howard Boys.

Quote: "Howard Boys was best known to me for his monthly column on radio control in Aeromodeller throughout the 1950s. While the rest of the world used bang-bang escapements and heavy vacuum tubes, Howard used proportional rudder control by magnetic actuator, and gas-filled tubes which were lighter but more difficult to use. Howard's planes were smooth flying and smaller than the norm usually powered by a 1.3cc Mills.

The magnetic actuator constantly pulsed the rudder from side to side and I believe he called his model Rudder Waggler. In the 1970s Ace RC in the US brought out a very light system (about 2 ounces) that worked on the same pulse proportional principle as Howard's. Then in the 90s Dave Banks sold .4cc replicas of the .75 Mills. That was the combination I needed for the plane in the photo, a scaled down version of Howard's model. I drew the outlines from a small sketch in Aeromodeller. There were no construction details so that is guessed.

My model is consistant I think with the spirit of Howard's original. The little Mills replica is quieter than most electrics, a soothing purr. I have clocked up many hours of happy flying with it.

Model Flyer magazine published my drawings full size 8/2002 but managed to make a dreadful mess of them. I think they might still advertise the drawings for sale but goodness knows what they are like."

Update 20/6/2023: Added original notes from Aeromodeller July 1957 (includes sketch layout drawing) thanks to JMP.

Update 14/8/2023: Added article (Model Flyer, 2002), thanks to RFJ.

Supplementary file notes

Original notes 1957.


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Waggler (oz1789) by John Reid 2002 - model pic


Waggler (oz1789) by John Reid 2002 - pic 003.jpg
Waggler (oz1789) by John Reid 2002 - pic 004.jpg
Waggler (oz1789) by John Reid 2002 - pic 005.jpg
Waggler (oz1789) by John Reid 2002 - pic 007.jpg
Waggler (oz1789) by John Reid 2002 - pic 008.jpg
Waggler (oz1789) by John Reid 2002 - pic 009.jpg

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User comments

Hello, thought you may like to see my Waggler built from an Outerzone plan [more pics 003]. .4cc David Banks diesel powered. Two channel RC. Thanks for the plan.
RodMcKiggan - 20/09/2017
Hello, Here are a couple of pictures of my rendition of the John Reid/Howard Boys Waggler [main pic, 004, 005] powered by a 0.5cc CS Boddo Mills and controlled with an ACE pulse transmitter and Adams baby actuator. It was maidened Saturday and proved to be an absolutely delightful model to fly, no trimming being required at all. It will definitely see a lot more air time. Also enclosed the notes by Howard Boys on his design in Aeromodeller July 1957 [see supplement file]. Thank you again for your work with the Outerzone. Best modelling regards.
Jean-Marie Piednoir - 20/06/2023
Hello again, Attached another pic [008] here. In the January 1954 issue of Aeromodeller, the heading photo of Howard Boys column shows him in his perennial shorts letting go of his Mills 1.3 powered Rudder Waggler. Best modelling regards,
Jean-Marie Piednoir - 21/06/2023
Waggler showing up in Outerzone piqued my interest in it all over again . I have the magazine from 2002 and that plan is a mish mash that needs quite a bit of work to sort out before building can commence . This outerzone plan avoids all that extra work . The 2002 text has a paragraph which suggests it can be flown free flight also , so I think that could be indicated in the outerzone text . Very little needs to be done to build as a free flight model . Just ignore all the radio installation on the plan to start with . The wing already has sufficient dihedral . The wing has positive incidence designed in and together with a zero degree stab setting provides ample longitudinal dihedral . The landing gear set up is too fussy and could be redesigned as a flat pattern and be fastened to the rear surface of former F3 . Some gussets could be added internally to reinforce the landing gear attachment . I had my copy printed at 1.3 times giving it a 42 inch span as I do not have any very small diesels . I think as a free flight a Mills 75 or DC Merlin or similar sized engines would fly it well. The wheel measurement at that scale is 2 inches . This model seems an easy setup as a scratch built first powered model ! The flat cabin bottom should help get the cabin formers in accurately and align the fuselage correctly .
Allen Wale - 04/12/2024
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