Aeronca Tandem (oz1657)


Aeronca Tandem (oz1657) by Ronnie Albert 1942 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Aeronca Tandem. Free flight scale model from Feb 1942 Air Trails. Can also be flown as 'guide-liner' ie CL.

Quote: "Make your next contest ship look like a real airplane! This Aeronca is designed for stiff competition and includes all the usual contest model features. Aeronca Tandem, by Ronnie Albert.

AND now its scale gas models! Yes, sir, fellows, building and flying gas jobs the exact replica of the prototype is rapidly becoming one of the most popular phases of modeling. The fact is - and you can't deny it - that scale gas models were never given a chance to show their true worth. The 'experts' of years back decided, after building one or two scale models, the prototype of which wasn't of ideal aerodynamic design, that scale models won't fly - and then did a good job of selling the rest of us modelers on this conclusion. (That's how a lot of these things start, you know.)

To be frank, we were one of the lads thus influenced until recently, when we wanted proof of the flying efficiency of scale gas models. We noticed the fine aerodynamic proportions of the popular sport light planes, and with this as inspiration developed the model appearing on these pages - the Aeronca Tandem. And after watching it perform, climb into the sky and then settle for a beautiful flat glide, just like any present-day contest job, we say that if you want to build a gas model of contest caliber and still have a model that looks like an air-plane, this Aeronca Tandem is it.

Before describing the actual construction, here's a bit of information as to the general specifications. With a wipg area of 286 square inches and a total weight, with the Ohlsson 23, of only 20 ounces, the wing loading for this Class B craft is 10 ounces per square foot. Because of the straight wing and rectangular fuselage, construction is extremely simple.

CONSTRUCTION: Lay off both sides of the fuselage directly on the plan, using 3/16 square hard balsa for longerons and uprights, and then after the cement is dry, with the aid of the top-view outline, cement the cross braces in place, thereby forming the fuselage. Next, cut from 1/8 birch plywood the front bulkhead A-A and cement in place against the front upright. Add the motor bearers, which are of 1/4 x 3/4 spruce stock and reinforce the joint with plenty of cement. (Testers please take note.) Since the majority of Class B engines have the same distance between lug centers, the measurements of the pivot mounts should be as indicated. However, in case your engine does not fit the mounts shown, the thickness of the pivot mount should be altered accordingly.

After the pivot mounts are securely and accurately in place, our next job is shaping the nose. This is done by spot-cementing rectangular blocks of soft balsa directly to the front bulkhead and, after the cement has dried, carving the balsa until the desired shape results. Once the nose shape is completed, the balsa is cut loose from the bulkhead and hollowed out so an average wall thickness of 1/8 in remains. Apply a few coats of thick clear dope to the inside surface and then cement the unit permanently in place against the front bulkhead. To make way for engine installation and trouble shooting, the top of the nose is removable and held in place for flying with rubber bands.

Next install the coil and wires, and then cover the indicated section of the nose with 1/16 sheet balsa. All joints are then sanded smooth and given a few coats of thin clear dope..."

Update 12/11/2013: Replaced this plan with a clearer version, thanks to JJ.

Update 09/03/2019: Added article, thanks to RFJ.

Supplementary file notes

PDFvector plan tracing by hogal, added 28/05/12.


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Aeronca Tandem (oz1657) by Ronnie Albert 1942 - model pic


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Aeronca Tandem (oz1657) by Ronnie Albert 1942 - pic 003.jpg
Aeronca Tandem (oz1657) by Ronnie Albert 1942 - pic 004.jpg
Aeronca Tandem (oz1657) by Ronnie Albert 1942 - pic 005.jpg
Aeronca Tandem (oz1657) by Ronnie Albert 1942 - pic 006.jpg
Aeronca Tandem (oz1657) by Ronnie Albert 1942 - pic 007.jpg
Aeronca Tandem (oz1657) by Ronnie Albert 1942 - pic 008.jpg

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User comments

Enclosed is a picture of my Aeronca Tandem (oz1657) built from plans downloaded from your website [pic 006]. The free flight model was converted to 3 channel radio control using three Hitec HS-81 micro servos and powered by a OS-10FP. Covering is SIG silkspan and finished with Butyrate dope. I appreciate your great website as it continues to inspire me to keep actively building. Thank you,
Dan Owen - 14/11/2022
Hi Mary, I retook pictures of my Aeronca Tandem [main pic, 007]. Hoping this fits the 640 by 480 framing :) Thank you,
Dan Owen - 17/11/2022
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  • Aeronca Tandem (oz1657)
  • Plan File Filesize: 581KB Filename: Aeronca_Tandem_1942_oz1657.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 4559KB Filename: Aeronca_Tandem_1942_oz1657_article.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 436KB Filename: Aeronca_Tandem_1942_oz1657_vector_hogal.pdf
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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