Fancy Pants (oz15803)


Fancy Pants (oz15803) by Arthur Hasselbach 1960 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Fancy Pants. Control line stunt model. WIngspan 41 in, for .19 to .35 engines,


WING: Take apart milled leading and trailing edges and remove any flash material. Lay them on a flat surface. Then butt glue the ends together, using the 1/8 plywood joiners in the center, as shown on drawing.

When cement is dry, glue in the wing ribs, starting at the wing tips. Note that the sixth rib is 1/8 plywood and the two center ribs are 1/8 thinner, so as to take the 1/16 planking. Glue the trailing edge in place. Lay on a flat level surface until cement is dry.

Install and glue in place the bellcrank platform, spacers, wing tips, 3/16 spars and the bottom wing planking. Install the control system as shown; then plank top of wing center section, leaving an opening for the push rod wire.

FUSELAGE: Mark off locations for plywood formers on fuselage sides. First former should be even with the front edge of the side. The next one is 3-1/2 in back. The third former with the center hole is 9-1/4 in back; the next former - the smallest one - is 7 in back. Cement these in place, after their proper locations have been determined.

Glue in engine bearers and allow sufficient time to dry. Then spring and cement the back of the fuselage together. Install your fuel tank (T-21 C) between first and second formers. Fit the top of fuselage with a 1/4 in sheet in front and shape the solid block in back, as illustrated. Don't cement these pieces now. Sand and assemble the rudder, stab and elevator. See drawing and hinge detail.

Next, cement the elevator and stab in place. Then the slot-shaped block and the 1/4 in sheet. Add the rudder, and install the push rod, as shown. After linkage is made between the bellcrank and elevator horn, cement the wing in place, and the small filler parts under the wing. Plank the bottom with the 3/32 balsa, grained span-wise.

Sand all sharp edges of model; add the stationary flaps by cementing them to the trailing edge and fuselage sides. Note: Flaps can be made movable by using a special elevator horn available at your hobby dealer. Directions for installation are included in the package. Cement and bind the landing gear to the plywood ribs, as illus-trated.

Drill holes for your engine; then add the 1/8 in cowl sides. Any special details such as pilot and cockpit detail should be added at this time. Cement and bind the landing gear faring in place. Then sand entire model with fine sandpaper.

COVERING: Cut the wing-covering material to fit around one-half of the wing. Then moisten it with water. Start covering from trailing edge. Wrap around leading edge back to the under-side trailing edge. Pin in place; then work out any wrinkles. Cement down with a half-and-half mixture of clear dope and cement. Stretch the covering over the wing tips, Glue and let dry. After covering is dry, and if some wrinkles are still noticeable, soak them with clear dope and pull until they disappear.

Give entire wing three coats of thin dope - regular or fuel-proof (ask your dealer). Now you are ready to paint the model to the desired color. When painting the fuselage and wood parts, it is desirable to use sanding sealer before applying the colored dope.

After model is entirely painted, fit and glue the canopy in place. A thin border of colored masking tape will add a lot of detail to the canopy.

Fancy Pants was fully tested on our own five-acre flying field to assure your receiving top performance. We suggest, when flight-testing your model, you take along an experienced flier. "

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Quote: "Here are plans, assembly instructions, a photo of the kit box label, a closeup of the Consolidated Models Fancy Pants decal, and a magazine ad for the Fancy Pants. Designed by Arthur Hasselbach, Sr., owner of Consolidated, the Fancy Pants kit was introduced around 1960. This plan was done from an original kit. The wingspan is 41 inches, and it's intended for .19 to .35 cubic inch displacement motors. The Fancy Pants is a good flyer and if built with operating flaps is a very competitive stunter. Brodak introduced a new kit with numerous improvements in the 1990s... Keep up the good work, Mark Gerber"

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Fancy Pants (oz15803) by Arthur Hasselbach 1960 - model pic

  • (oz15803)
    Fancy Pants
    by Arthur Hasselbach
    from Consolidated
    41in span
    IC C/L LowWing Kit
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
  • Submitted: 17/01/2025
    Filesize: 169KB
    Format: • PDFvector
    Credit*: MarkGerber
    Downloads: 359

Fancy Pants (oz15803) by Arthur Hasselbach 1960 - pic 003.jpg
Fancy Pants (oz15803) by Arthur Hasselbach 1960 - pic 004.jpg
Fancy Pants (oz15803) by Arthur Hasselbach 1960 - pic 005.jpg
Fancy Pants (oz15803) by Arthur Hasselbach 1960 - pic 006.jpg
Fancy Pants (oz15803) by Arthur Hasselbach 1960 - pic 007.jpg
Fancy Pants (oz15803) by Arthur Hasselbach 1960 - pic 008.jpg

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User comments

This is my new favourite decal [pic 003] ever.
SteveWMD - 24/01/2025
Steve, Here's a couple pictures of my build [main pic, 006-008] from the Brodak kit, and a picture of the box art. Too bad Brodak didn't keep the old decal design. Please use as you see fit.
The Brodak kit differs from the original in having sheeted LE, built up TE, maple blocks for the LG mounts and sheeted turtle deck rather than carved block.
Dave Ramsey - 30/01/2025
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  • Fancy Pants (oz15803)
  • Plan File Filesize: 169KB Filename: Fancy_Pants_oz15803.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 358KB Filename: Fancy_Pants_oz15803_decal.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 961KB Filename: Fancy_Pants_oz15803_instructions.pdf
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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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